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Prepaid Data add on

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

I am currently on a $10 (40 cents a minute) prepaid plan.

If I add the $10 / 100 MB data add-on to my account, is the $10 charge deducted from my existing prepaid balance each month?...i.e. I will not be charged an additional $10 to my regular $10 plan auto top up every month?


Senior MVP Senior MVP
Senior MVP

Hello GLinc,


  Could you please clarify what you mean by:


@GLinc wrote:...I am currently on a $10 (40 cents a minute) prepaid plan....

  Is your plan the grandfathered Anytime 40ยข per minute plan and you top-up $10 monthly to extend the expiry date or does your plan have a monthly cost associated with it?


  If your plan is the former, you might need to verify whether the data add-on is compatible with that plan. If the add-on is available for your plan, the charge would be deducted from your account balance. If your balance has sufficient funds to accommodate the charge, then you wouldn't need to top-up more than the monthly minimum to extend the expiry date.


Hope this helps ๐Ÿ˜€







I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2 plan is the grandfathered Anytime 40ยข per minute plan and I top-up $10 monthly to extend the expiry date.

When I went thru 611 to add the $10 / 100 MB data add-on to my account it did allow me to proceed (so I assume that this data add-on is compatible with my current plan) just was not clear if $10 charge would be deducted from my existing prepaid balance or charged to my credit card in addition to my regular auto top up each I aborted the add on until I could get clarifiction on that.

Thanks for the reply ๐Ÿ˜Š