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January 2023
On Black Friday deal on November 26, 2022 I ported my 2 numbers from Virgin Plus to Fido.
In Calgary, Alberta
Please see the Detail Below
Device#1 iPhone 14 Plus 256gb for $49.94/mo
Line#1 $40 plan with 25gb Data + Free 1000 min LD calls
Device#2 iPhone 14 Plus 256gb for $49.94/mo
Line#2 $35 plan with 25gb Data + Free 1000 min LD calls
So the total is $40 + $35 = $75 for both lines (includes $5 discount for additional line)
For both iPhones $49.94 + $49.94 = $99.88
So Total = $174.88 before Tax
And Total = $183.64 after Tax (Alberta has GST 5% and PST 0% )
So what went wrong?
On line#1 my Voicemail was in French, I contacted Fido customer care to change my Language to English. Later I received email that the agent not only changed my language but also Changed my Plans and removed all the Black Friday deals discounts of 24 months. on both the Lines.
Worst he also changed my Designation on 2nd line to British Columbia now I'm billed According to BC Tax which is GST 5% and PST 7%.
Received a bill of $368 for 1 Month (has no extra or overage charges). The total bill was supposed to be no more than $184 per month, this is more than double which is insane.
Not only this now customer service offering me $45 plan for each line for only 15 months.
This is not what I signed for my contract states all the Black Friday deals discounts for 24 months on Plan, 1000 LD and additional line $5.
Solved! Go to Solution.
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January 2023
Hello @DevilMind,
Welcome to the community!
Sorry to hear this happened to you, I would suggest you call back customer service and ask to speak with a manager and if they can not fix this then I would suggest you asked them to have your case forwarded to the office of the president.
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January 2023
I have called multiple times, seems like no one either understands the problem or don't want to fix this intentionaly. It is very simple problem, Not only this I was also charged $113 for month of November just for 1 day of use, I haven't got the refund or credit for that either.
Instead the agent was saying you paid it previusly so no need to pay again, and my question was why i was charged $113 and agent replied now in future you don't have to.
I mean this conversation made no sence to me, clearly i was over charges for the month of November only for 1 day use with $113 also needed that amount to be credited.
This is my very first Rogers experience with Fido, no wonder Bell and Virgin Plus I never ever faced such problems especially on the very 1st bill i have to pay $470+ and i was assured bill would be no more than $184 to $185 per months. My worst experience with any telecome ever.
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January 2023
Hello again @DevilMind,
As I suggested above ask to speak to a manager and if they can not answer your questions or sort it out then ask for your case to be forwarded to the office of the president.
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January 2023
I need some guidance on DEVICE iPhone bought with my Plan.
I buy a 2-year plan in Alberta with a British Columbia mobile code starting with 604. Here I understand because a number is of BC Province, the Tax will be of BC as the Number is BC Region.
My question is, and this information is not available online.
If I got the iPhone from Alberta Fido with my Home Address + Bank address + Bank Credit Card, and everything else is also from Alberta. The Financing of the iPhone device is from Alberta's Home address and Bank Address.
Should I be paying the Alberta Tax on iPhone or British Columbia Tax on iPhone?
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January 2023
Hello DevilMind,
Welcome to the community!
The taxes for services and purchases might be different depending on situation. As you note, the plans and taxes for services is dependent on the location designation of the phone number. A BC phone number will have BC taxes applied for that plan.
On the other hand, other purchases (ie device upgrade, accessories, etc) would be based on the billing address (see here). If your billing address on file is from Alberta, I believe the taxes for the iPhone purchase would be from Alberta. However, if you made the purchase in BC, the retail outlet might be required to charge BC taxes at the time of sale. If that is the case, you would need to request a rebate (see here).
You should note that the forums are community-driven and not intended as a venue for customer services. If there is a discrepancy in your taxes, you would need to contact customer service so they may investigate the issue. In addition, they can also be contacted via Live Chat, Facebook, or Twitter. Those methods can be accessed via the contact page posted above.
**edit** See also here for additional information.**
Hope this helps 😀
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January 2023
Thank you @Cawtau
yes i am in this situation with already 2 different outcomes.
i bought 2 devices (both iPhones same model capacity size and color) on BC 604 mobile code in Alberta from same Alberta store with Alberta billing address.
iPhone #1 has Alberta tax GST and No PST.
iPhone #2 has BC Tax GST + PST.
Both iPhone we're financed from same Store on same date and both on my same Credit Card.
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January 2023
Hello again,
Hmm, that is strange... Do both phone lines have BC phone numbers? The only thing I can think of is that the one lines still has a BC billing address for some reason. You should note that the forums are community-driven and not intended as a venue for customer services. You might consider contacting customer service to verify the address information on both of those lines. In addition, they can also be contacted via Live Chat, Facebook, or Twitter. Those methods can be accessed via the contact page posted above.
Hope this helps 😀
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January 2023
Both were added on my single bill of Alberta billing address
iPhone #2 is added as 2nd line on my bill.
And both on my same Mobile Account Number.
any information available on the official websites of telcos?
i mean many people move around all over Canada for jobs or life
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January 2023
Hello again,
Thank you for the additional information. Is there any reason you need a phone number from BC? If not, you might consider changing that number to a local one in Alberta. However, if you change that number to an Alberta number, that line will likely need to change to a plan available in Alberta. With regards to the change of plans, I believe you should be able to switch to another plan in Alberta which is compatible with device financing so you wouldn't have to pay the remaining balance of the device. However, as mentioned, you would need to contact customer service.
Unfortunately, I have not been able to find any official statement on Fido.ca regarding taxes from different Provinces. However, those links I provided were from former forum moderators. At the time, I believe they also provided customer services. Unless there was a change in policy since that time, I would think that information would still apply.
Hope this helps 😀
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January 2023
I want to keep my BC numbers because several hundreds if not thousands of people have my old BC number.
changing my old number will do more harm to me.
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January 2023
Hello again,
Fair enough. I understand wanting to keep your phone number. I, too, kept my phone number while living outside of its local calling area.
However, there appears to be something in your account of which we are not fully aware. Your best option is to contact customer service and have them look into your situation.
Hope this helps 😀
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January 2023
The Canada Revenue Agency and the government of British Columbia are the authorities on sales tax, not Fido. If Fido's tax calculations are inconsistent with federal and BC law, then Fido has to correct their calculations and refund the PST.
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January 2023
I found some information online on TELUS website.
It states tax are linked to Location which we are Residing in. So this means my iPhone #2 should not have PST for Alberta tax.
As it was bought in Alberta PC Mobile (Real Canadian Store), delivered to PC Mobile Alberta Store, paid in Alberta, my Bank Credit Card and Residential and Billing are also Alberta.
I mean why not put this simple information on their Website? Taxes have been in Canada for hundred of years and Mobile Telcos have been working 30 years in Canada... still no clear answer...
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January 2023
Then neither phone should have PST. The place of supply for both phones is Alberta.
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January 2023
Hello @DevilMind,
That is a very good question I'm guessing that because the device financing is tied to having the phone line and the line itself is a BC number and as such the taxes will be at the rate of BC so whatever is added to that line the taxes would be charged at the BC rate.
@FidoSolutions can you confirm this for us, please?