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How do I email Fido (what is the support email address)?

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3


I am looking to email Fido Support, but have not found the email address on their website.  Anyone know the

Fido support email address?





***Edited to add labels***


I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

FIDO is a Fraud company.I left Canada on November 2022 .And paid all the bills before that.Even now in 2024 Im charged every month for the services I have not used.I tried contacting them to help me on this.But no reply.But they are good at still charging for the services even though you left the country 2 years back.

Hey @vandanap1992

That doesn't sound right at all. Customer service is available on multiple platforms to assist you. If this is about a cancellation, you would need to call in or contact us via Live Chat. 

We'll be happy to look into this with you.

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1


I had try to Contact you over the Live chat. but no Chance. I will cancle my Poneplan, but idk how

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

Thanks for your inputs.


I took a $15 data-only plan recently but the bill adds a $70 service setup charge! If I had to pay that much, why would I have gone for a bare-bones plan. It's like the phone cover being 5x pricier than the phone itself. Any way out?

Hello @Mroutlander,


Did you activate it online through self serve? If so you should have not been charge the fee, if you set it up any other way then you would be charged that fee.


You can contact customer service directly and see what they can do hopefully they would credit you back that fee but you would need to contact them directly and discuss that.

Hello again,


  I replied to your other post here. As mentioned in that post, your line would remain active until you actually cancel your services. Unfortuately, as mentioned in the post below, Fido does not offer customer support via email. In addition, as far as I am aware, cancellations can only be done by calling them:


                 You may cancel any or all of your Services and any corresponding Agreement at any time by calling us...

                             ~taken from Terms of Service; section 2e


  You may need to call customer service in order to cancel services. As queried in my other post, had you tried to call their From Abroad phone number? The toll-free numbers would not work outside of North America.


Hope this helps 😀



I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

Good luck with that! I've been on hold waiting for a manager to speak with about my bill for hours on end without ever actually getting to talk to anybody. You guys have taken a great company and made it horrible.

Hi @SaucyJack Smiley 


This is certainly not how we want you to feel about us, or how we wish for your experience to go! 

If you have unresolved concerns, you can follow the steps outlined here for further assistance. 


Hope this helps. 

Hello SaucyJack,


 Welcome to the community!


  Thank you for your comment. You should note, though, that these forums are community-driven and not intended as a venue for customer services. Many of us guys don't work for Fido. We are fellow customers.



I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

I have been trying to call customer services for cancelation and nobodu answer me. I want out now!!!!

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

Hi, Good afternoon

Arshdeep Kaur is here.
I want to discuss about my fido bill. whenever i paid my fido bill instead of deducting amount they add the amount in new bill. why its happen. For example if the bill is $ 429  and i oaid $100 the bill should be 329 but its 529 why its happen

Hi there, 


It's important to note that the Community is not a regular servicing channel, as it is a forum meant for all customers to help each other while posting their requests in public.


If you'd like to discuss this further, you would need to reach out through any of the methods listed here

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

I already called to stop with your. Your Internet modem was sent back a mounth ago. I'm supprised to receive your new bill.? Howcome?


I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

Hi Fido,

For this acct no 7802XXXXX, 34$ was charged for long distance call to USA. I was not aware of that and requestec fido to waive that but they are saying they can not. I have been with Fido for last 6 years and right now Fido is not helping me. I spoke with your customer care executives through Chats and phone calls but answer is same. Could you guys help me?

Hey @deb11 Smiley 


Sorry to hear about the extra charges on your bill.


It's important to note that the Community is not a regular servicing channel, as it is a forum meant for all customers to help each other while posting their requests in public.


If you'd like to discuss this further, you would need to reach out through any of the methods listed here

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

Hello Fido Valerie

I have a similar problem and I don't know which FIDO agency I should contact, a nonto appears on my invoice that is not correct, could you please give me an email or direct telephone number so I can contact me and solve my problem, because I will not be able to pay my bills

Best Regards


Hello @JosePalma,


Welcome to the community!


Currently, Fido does not provide support by email, you can find all the different available methods of contact here.

Hello Deb11,


  Welcome to the community!


  Sorry to hear you've incurred unexpected long-distance charges to the US. It is unfortunate you were not aware the call was to a US phone number. Unfortunately, the call was made and even though you didn't realise the call was to the  US, it would have incurred long-distance charges. Unfortunately, I don't think they will be able to reverse charges for a call you actually made. For future calls, you can verify numbers are Canadian by ensuring they have Canadian area codes here


  You should note Fido does not offer customer service via email. You should also note this forum is community-driven and not intended as a venue for customer services. If you would like to further discuss your situation, you would need to contact customer service. In addition, they can also be contacted via Live Chat, Facebook, or Twitter. Those methods can be accessed via the contact page posted above.


Hope this helps 😀



I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

Hii. I want cancel my order of phone ..what should I do the customer service is not responding.. please help    thanks..


Hey @6sanan1, welcome to the community! Alex here.


We were very busy during the black Friday weekend so I'm sorry if you were not able to speak with someone in a timely manner. Things should go back to normal now so I would suggest to try contacting our customer service again.


Note that we have multiple channels you can use to get in touch with us, see them all here