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I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

Hi there, hope everyone is having a good day!  Unfortunately, I have fallen victim to fraud on my account. Over 12 days ago, I logged into my Fido My Account and noticed that there was another line on my account.  At this point there was only little usage on said line.  I called Fido CS immediately as this was definitely not mine.  I got hols of a lovely agent and they said they'll be notifying the fraud department and that department will contact me within 48 hours. Three days passed to no avail so I contactes Fido again. The agent was able to see the note on the account and said someone will be contacting me in 5 days.  It's now over 10 days and still no contact by the Fraud department .  I contacted Fido 3 times no2 and this last time the agent sees the note and said no action has been taken and they'll need to resubmit the claim and someone will contact me in 5 days.  Also, over this time the line activity has spiked where over 1.7 GB of data has been used and many more minutes and text has been used as well.  


Any help would be greatly appreciated and thq k you for the help in advance. 


What has happened is it looks like someone signed up for a plan under my account. And have 



Hey @missfranny!


We're really sorry to learn we didn't follow up with you yet. We know how important this kind of situation can be.


We invite you to contact us back. You can also reach out on social media. Wait times can be shorter from there!

We hope you can get a resolution soon. 


Wow, @missfranny that sounds terrible. I can't speak to how customer support is dealing with your account behind the scenes. I would like to suggest to you, if you haven't already done this, is change your password,  notify the police that you're a victim of fraud and try to somehow block or remove that second line on your account. If you go to this page Here and scroll down,  you will see a link to report a concern,  you may want to utilize this at your soonest opportunity. I hope you are able to get your account sorted out soon.