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Regarding fraud calls

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1


I am getting calls again and again that my

phone will shut down or my services will be suspended. However I paid  my bill on time. Why is that?


Hi @Kau3 , scammers are hoping to trick you into calling or hitting a link to get your personal information. Never ever, call those numbers back or click a link from any of those messages unless you know it's legit. One way to avoid be scammed by these is to forward the message to fido spam at 7726 by text. Go directly to your account through the app or to or call *611 from your device and confirm your account is safe and not being closed or blocked. It's hard to block numbers from scammers because they use legitimate caller's numbers to trick you. Be safe and err on the side of caution and check directly with the company you deal with to make sure.