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$150 Amazon Gift Card in 30 days, 6/7/8/11wks???

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3


I've signup for Fido internet on Sept 6 during a promo with $150 amazon gift. Initially the gift card was supossed to arrive in 30 days, upon follow up, I was told I should receive a link within 6 wks from registration. 6 wks card/link.

Called customer care on Oct 17, escalation ticket was created and was told in less than a week a link will be sent. Week passed on Oct card/link.

Chatted with support (via chat)  on Oct 24, agent advised that link will be sent by Oct 26 (Monday)...surprise, surprise still no card/link.

Today I spent 45 min on call, chatted with agent, agent advised me that I have to wait another 3wks....well done Fido!!!


Fido get your act together, I will cancel my account on Dec 8 if card/link is not im my mailbox in 4wks.

128 REPLIES 128

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

Hi Anthony

I have already contacted Fido re this matter through the methods you suggested. I called customer service twice both times on hold for two hours only to be told to wait another 4-6 weeks. Did a live chat and that was not helpful and now I'm getting the run around on the forum. If this isn't resolve shortly I will cancel my service over this matter as you do not deserve good customers like myself.

Hey @Kiz123


I'll send you a PM so we can take a look at this together.


Talk to you soon! 

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

It's been three months and I haven't still gotten it lol

Hey! Philippe here. Welcome to the community. Smiley


Have you checked your junk/spam folder and/or contacted us about this?


If not, you can reach out to us here or request a PM from the community.

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

Hi All,


After 3 months of delays I've finally received my gift card yesterday. Thanks to Fido's moderators who assissted me with my case.






I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1



Has anyone actually received their gift card from any promotion they've had? We signed up for Fido Internet in early September, they told us we'd have the gift card in 6-8 weeks. When that didn't happen we called...they said they resent the forms and it would be two weeks. We called back again and were told it could be another 3 weeks. I feel like we've been scammed. Every time we call they claim to resubmit it and of course nothing happens and we end up calling weeks later.

Hey @Beckzmae

Welcome to the Community. 


I am sorry to see you had complications with this offer. i assure you it is definitely not what we wanted for our customers and is not a scam. It is a legitimate offer, however there have been some delays with fulfilling the requests. You can check out more information on this in the Accepted Solution above. 


I will also send you a PM so we can take a closer look into this situation through your account with you. 

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

Signed up over 6 weeks ago, checked spam folder and everything still no email regarding the giftcard. Yet my friend signs up and receives hers in 4 days? Wth fido?!??!?!

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

I signed up in September for the Internet in the gift certificate promotion.   Their internet tech support is the only wuakility support at fido.    Each time I  in it disconnects me sometimes after an hour wait with either live chat or phone.     Today I've been trying to call in for 6 hrs.  I'm going to request a manager call me back because already 3 reps have takene in circles.  People genuinely nice, but nothing is ever resolved. Actions to ensure this gift card from 14 weeks ago.  We've emailed all the right people.    Fido needs to rethink this partnership.   Clearly they want us to give up, but unfortunately for them I'm in lock down and determined. The at said I think about cancelling fido daily because of the companies lack of investment in enough reps. 


I'd rather pay more and have good customer service.   A nice rep who makes nothing happen after 3hrs x 6.  To make it worse they play the same songs on hold over and over.   It's like they are trying to drive us mad.  Counting up all my wasted hours I should have just gone with  Telus 

Hey @Nicole271,


Rest assured, our goal was never to extend the delay periods to this extent. We'd love nothing more but to get this promotion fulfilled for you.


Sending a PM your way so we can review this together! 

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

hi- not sure if you got my message.  can you help me get this certificate that is 4 months late? 

Hello @Nicole271,


We can definitely look into getting this sent to you. Feel free to contact us over these methods if you need help with your account.



I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3


The email reply option wasn't available until now.   Not sure why.  I logged in and off and on, suddenly i have this option.   I am now past four months and never received a gift certificate for amazon.    You company now makes about $150 from me per month and yet I don't feel like i'm being treated like a valuable customer.


I have had many service reps look into it and write emails.  I followed all directives and emailed the provider myself.    i have sifted through my spam and inboxes.    This appears to be a scam based on all the people reporting the same issue.  At this point dodo should just credit my account for $100 as you company owes me $100.




Hey @Salwtayl12


I'll send you a PM. Talk to you soon! 

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3


still no gift certificate.   however i've been sent in many goose chases and done everything instructed.   waited for another hour today before dodo just hung up before i got to speak to anyone.  soooo frustrated 

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

Ok waiting 

We've sent you a private message Salwtayl12! Please get back to us there Smiley 

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

Welcome to the club, it's a big club.. 

have a mod reach out to escalate. 
been waiting since mid September.. 

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

I am in the same boat with my Amazon $150 gift card. My 150u internet account was activated on Sept 20. I've talked to live chat rep and it was escalated once on Nov 23. I have also tried calling in (though always disconnected before able to reach a rep). 


In addition, I'm also having other problems as well with my Internet and Mobile account not able to link on I've spent WAY too much time dealing with Fido, and have truly regretted making the switch to Fido.

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

Hey @dhtlee,


Due to the popularity of the gift card promo, we have seen extensive delays in processing eligible customers for the Gift with Purchase and have missed the timelines previously shared with you. We are working hard to remedy this and get the card to you.  

We understand those delays aren't pleasant but please rest assured that you and everyone else who was eligible for the promotion will receive it without any doubt. 


Please make sure to also regularly check your Spam and Junk email folder for an email from us coming from OR from


As for your profile on, I've answered your other post




I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

I have checked all my folders in my email account. It was just never sent.


This gift card, and my profile issue isn't the only 2 problems I am facing. I can already see my first bill on My Account app. However, I suspect Fido bill did not apply the $10 bill credit that comes with my promotional sign up offer. Unfortunately due to the profile issue, I can't validate this as I cannot access my bill statement to see the breakdown of my bill.


It has been a nightmare dealing with Online Chat reps to try to explain all these compounded issues, and all I get are really bad responses. 2 or the reps even said that Internet and Mobile account cannot share the same login, which is obviously false. I have invested enough time and energy and just wish for someone from Fido who can understand what exactly the issues I'm facing, and has the ability to help me. Alternatively, I could also accept if Fido can just offer me a way out of this 24-month mobile plan as it doesn't feel like the amount of resources I have to put in to get everything resolved is worth it anymore