December 2022
I want to upgrade both my plans. One gives the option for visual voicemail and the other doesn't. Both numbers are on the same account so why doesn't it give me the uption on one of the numbers considering I am migrating both numbers to identical plans??
December 2022
December 2022
The problem is it is NOT an available option when I upgrade plans. Only premium voicemail, which is for Android. The problem with adding it after is Fido is geared to help you online, not by dealing with someone in person. Every call has been disconnected and every chat has been left unanswered until I need to go to sleep. So if I pick the option for premium voicemail and try to change it later, it looks like nobody will ever be available to change it. To reiterate, the option appears only when I go to upgrade one of the phones and NOT the other and I am trying to upgrade to the identical plans and an iPhone is listed on both numbers as being the phone I am using. This is a programming error on the website.
December 2022
Hi there @TiLT and welcome to the Community!
The option to choose between either the ''Premium voicemail-to-text value pack'' or the ''iPhone visual voicemail value pack'' during an upgrade or price plan change should be listed during your plan selection. If one of the option is missing, there should be a drop down menu to expand your choices where the other option is hidden.
Can you please provide us some screenshots here to help us have a visual of what you are seeing on your end? Thanks!
December 2022
These are the expected options avialable when I am upgrading one of the numbers on the account.
This is the only option that I get when trying to upgrade the second number on the same account.
December 2022
I don't see the photos I attached, Are they too big or something? Wrong format??
December 2022
Guess they took a while...
December 2022