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Ota fm radio neutered???

I'm a contributor level 1
I'm a contributor level 1

If you’re seeing this page, your wireless carrier has not provided access to the FM chip on your phone.

NextRadio requires a special piece of software to activate and control the FM chip. Some carriers have provided access, and others are dragging their feet.

It is unreliable and inconceivable to me that north American mobility service providers would have the fm chip disabled. Ando the same with any phone manufacturer that allows this or facilitates in disabling this. Just a monopoly doing what it does best... screw up any consumer benefits but make the consumer pay and pay some more. Does fido or any other carrier really need me to stream radio rather than be able to utilize the ota equipment samsung already provided me and the rest of consumers????


Thank you






I'm a contributor level 1
I'm a contributor level 1®-App-Samsung-Galaxy-S7-S7-Edge

So again I'm so confused.

More confusion!!

Is that samsung s7 on virgin mobile (Bell Canada)???

So what's the deal???

Thank you Fido.

@Twaugh333 wrote:
Is that samsung s7 on virgin mobile (Bell Canada)???


Hello Twaugh333,


  No, that Virgin Mobile listed as supported network is Virgin Mobile USA, a subsidiary of Sprint. It is different from the Virgin Mobile Canada, which is a subsidiary of Bell Mobility.


  If you note, all of the supported networks listed are from the United States. The S7 and S7 Edge from Virgin Mobile USA are different versions than the Canadian versions. In fact, all of the S7s and S7 Edges sold by US carriers are different from the Canadian versions. If you're not able to use that app, then it's possible that the Canadian versions of the S7 or S7 Edge do not support that function.


  It's also possible that since the app is US-based, it might only be usable State side. **edit** Are there any other FM radio apps you could try which might work locally?**


Hope this helps Smiley



@Cawtau wrote:

@Twaugh333 wrote:
Is that samsung s7 on virgin mobile (Bell Canada)???


Hello Twaugh333,


  No, that Virgin Mobile listed as supported network is Virgin Mobile USA, a subsidiary of Sprint. It is different from the Virgin Mobile Canada, which is a subsidiary of Bell Mobility.


  If you note, all of the supported networks listed are from the United States. The S7 and S7 Edge from Virgin Mobile USA are different versions than the Canadian versions. In fact, all of the S7s and S7 Edges sold by US carriers are different from the Canadian versions. If you're not able to use that app, then it's possible that the Canadian versions of the S7 or S7 Edge do not support that function.


  It's also possible that since the app is US-based, it might only be usable State side. **edit** Are there any other FM radio apps you could try which might work locally?**


Hope this helps Smiley



Hello again,


  Just to add to above...


Taken from here.


  Hope this helps Smiley



I'm qualified level 1
I'm qualified level 1
Can't speak for Samsung devices but my HTC One M8 certainly has no problem accessing OTA FM radio .

Former Moderator
Former Moderator

Hey Twaugh333!


Welcome to the community Very_Happy


We've never asked device manufacturers to exclude FM and we never manually disable it if it's supported.

OEM’s drive what features are supported in their devices. There may be engineering or cost reasons for why they have chosen not to support FM radio. 


Hope this helps! 

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

I contacted Fido with this same question about the FM Radio capabilities (or lack of) on my recently aquired LG G5. Fido's answer was the same as what I see written here. This leads me to believe that Fido realy wants their customers to believe this (that Fido has/had no control over FM Radios) and it wasn't a mistake.


However, I was kindly advised to contact LG for further clarification on this, which I did.

Here's the answer I got:


"When presented to the carriers LG offers a list of options that are available to the carriers and they decide which ones they want to include. Regretfully none of the carriers wanted to include the FM radio option."


More and more disapointed with Fido. A bad/greed driven decision is bad enough. Lying on top of it is just unacceptable!


Hey @daniel3


I am sorry if there was a misunderstanding about this information. However I assure you that it is never our intentions to mislead our customers. 

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

There is still a lot of obfuscation going on.

LG Canada will have us believe that Rogers anf Fido chose not to offer FM, while ZTE and Huawei phones offered by FIDO have an FM Radio. If that's the case, then why did Fido 'allow' the FM Radio in the cheaper Chinese phones, and not in the LG or Samsung phones? It's not just that they are cheap phones, since the LG K4 (a really cheap phone) in Canada does not offer FM Radio, even though the K4 has a radio in other markets.

Hi @thisisstupid! As promised I'm getting back to you in regards to your question. Smiley


The decision to enable FM chips on devices lies solely with the manufacturers. Select devices already have FM chips enabled, and we anticipate there will be more in the future.




I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

Which devices currently available from Fido offer an FM Radio?



Hey @thisisstupid!


Currently we have 3 devices that are compatible:


Huawei GR5

Huawei Nova Plus

Moto G Plus



Hi @thisisstupid


Let me look into this. I'll get back to you once I get more info. Smiley