Inside the Theatre (brand new) there is no service for Fido/Rogers but other Bell users had service.
Outside the theatre I got 1 bar but could not get internet access. Inside the casino itself and the parking garage service was much better.
Hello KMB9000,
Welcome to the community!
Unfortunately, it does not appear that Rogers has any cellular towers on the grounds proper:
~taken from here.
The nature of cellular service is that it is dependent on being able to receive adequate signal from the cellular towers. Adequate signal would depend, in part, on your location relative to the cellular towers. In addition to your proximity to the cellular towers, there are also many factors can affect cellular reception (see here and here). It's possible the materials used to build the theatre are blocking the available signal from the Rogers towers.
I understand you also have poor signal outside of the theatre. Were you on the side of the bulding closest to the cellular tower or was the building between your location and the cellular tower(s)?
I also understand you note that Bell users had service. Bell does appear to have a cellular tower at the casino. It's possible, as Original_Lucy noted, that Bell won the bid to provide cellular services to the complex.
Hope this helps 😀
Hi @KMB9000 , I guess the access inside a theatre would be restricted, if Bell is a sponsor or has paid to have access for signals. Usually we have to turn off our devices in those venues.