a month ago
Today i got the call from the following numbers mentioning that they are from Fido Promotion Team, and they made me to order iphone16 Pro.
438 595 3988
604 265 1717
Above number is valid FIDO number?
Solved! Go to Solution.
a month ago
Same thing happened to me, they made me order the Iphone 16 Pro then kept on asking questions till the point where I told them I was sceptical and would call fido to verify this promotion. I called Fido and they told me its a scam.
a month ago
Hello Sathishtb,
Welcome to the community!
Firstly, you should note these forums are community-driven and not intended as a venue for customer services. We do not have access to customers' accounts and would not have information regarding all of Fido's promotions.
That said, I would consider those calls to be highly suspect as a SCAM. As far as I am aware, any promotional offers would be from their official outbound number. Neither of those numbers are their official outbound number. While there may have been instances whereby local stores have called customers to offer their customers certain promotions, there is no reason why stores from two different Provinces would call the same customer (see here and here). In addition, none of the Fido stores in Montreal or Vancouver appear to have those numbers listed as their contact phone number (see here). As well, a Google search of the numbers also does not identify them as belonging to Fido.
Since it appears you have already purchased a device through that SCAM, you should consider contacting customer service to cancel the order. They will likely forward you to their Fraud department. In addition, they can also be contacted via Live Chat, Facebook, or Twitter. Those methods can be accessed via the contact page posted above. You might also consider verifying your accounts and changing passwords as necessary.
If you choose not to cancel the order, you should at least verify the address the device is to be sent. As well, you should verify the device is the actual device ordered. A particular SCAM involves ordering a wrong device and telling customers it was a mistake and to return the device. However, the address they provide for the return is not that from Fido. If you are required to return a device, make sure you contact Fido customer support directly in order to obtain proper information regarding its return.
Hope this helps 😀