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Exclusive offer

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

Hey, so I recently signed up for an exclusive offer that is 55$ for 30gbs of data which is amazing, but it almost seems to good to be true in a way. And I just wanna make sure that the price won't randomly change one month or anything like that. If somebody could explain how it would be great.






Hello Christine,


Those exclusive offers' prices stay the same they are not for a set amount of time but that does not mean the price can stay the same forever. 


Under section 2c of Fido's terms of service, they can change any aspect of the service/agreement at anytime prior to giving 30 days' notice.



Taken from here.

Hi there @Jamesev_ , that's a great offer. To find out what the terms of it are, you would have to read the conditions of the offer you accepted. It could be for 12 or 24 months. If you cannot find that then you should give a call to *611 from your device and make that inquiry.