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Data usage Fido Calculation is more than what my phone tracks.

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1


I have received a notification regarding my over-limit data Usage asking me to get extra coverage or accept the extra charge.

I have 10 GB of data on my plan and normally use about 3 GB of it. I have set up my phone to track my data usage. My phone shows about 7 GB of data used and Fido app shows over 10 GB . I am wondering if anyone here had the same issue and how can I prove it? My phone tracks my Data from July1-31 and it is the same period for Fido app. So what should I do? 


I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

I just had the same issue.  I am trying to find out why Fido is calculating more data usage than my phone, which I also bought from Fido.  So far, I have not had any success in finding out why there is a discrepancy.

Hey @speechie, welcome to the community, Alex here! 


Your actual bill cycle might be different than your tracking settings in your device, that would cause a discrepancy. You can check your bill cycle on one of your bills in your MyAccount and match the dates in your device settings. 


If that doesn't help, make sure to get in touch with our customer service and one of our reps will be happy to help you. 

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

Hi there. My billing cycle on my device is the same as what Fido's cycle is. Unfortunately this month (three months later) I'm having the same issue except a much bigger one. This is unacceptable. I'm waiting on the phone now to try to resolve this issue.

Hello Speechie,


  Thank you for the additional information. It is important to note that there is often a difference between the phone's stated usage and the mobile providers' actual usage. It is due to the difference in how the usage is calculated. Mobile devices calculate usage by what data is received. On the other hand, mobile providers calculate data by what is sent from their networks. The two might not necessarily be the same. Some apps/functions do not provide feedback to the network with regards to whether they actually received data. For example, streaming video or music receives a constant stream of data with little or no feedback. If the device briefly loses connection (ie in elevator, going through tunnel, etc), some of the data sent from the network might not get received by the device and the data can be lost. These days, a significant amount of data can be lost from streaming as many people prefer to stream with HD video or music etc.


  There have been rather heated discussions as to how unfair it is to have to pay for lost data. However, the data was sent via the networks. Similarly, if you have a leaky toilet, you are still responsible for the cost of water provided even though you didn't use the water. Many people have suggested that mobile providers change the way they calculate data to what is actually received by customers' devices. However, that is not a feasible solution.


Hope this helps 😀



I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

The difference in mine is 2.3 on my phone and 10 on the app. What's going on?? That's not just a date error. I checked the dates. And Fido customer service being virtually nonexistent, means virtually no way of checking. Jack is a joke and the 40 min wait phone call was disconnected 25 min in.

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Good morning @KDD , that does seem to be a wide gap between the two. Did you compare with your account on ? If you log on to fido website and go to your account dashboard does the usage match? If not, you may have to uninstall the fido app and then restart your phone and reinstall the app to see if that corrects the issue. That would be a good first troubleshoot. If they are the same, then it's a matter of tracking down what might be using up your data. 

Former Moderator
Former Moderator

Hey @Sepidehsanaz!


It is possible that the data usage in the phone settings and the Fido app are a little different however the difference of over 3GB you mention is quite significant and shouldn't be the case.


Can you double-check your Fido bill to make sure what the bill cycle is? It may not start on the 1st and this can be the cause of the discrepancy.