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Cannot upgrade Online Suddenly

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

Was working before i got all the way to the confirmation page earlier and decided to save it for later to consult the wife on weither it was in the budget to get the new phone and now when i go back i suddenly cannot get past step 2 i get


We're sorry, this information is currently not available online. If you need help with your account, please call 1-888-481-FIDO (3436)



Tried everything i can think of to get the plan and phone i selected before but nothing works


I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

Can't even get to see what phone are available to even try to upgrade my phone on either the app or site. Keep get "sorry we are working on this try back in a couple of minutes". It's been a couple of weeks. 

Hello Hrowland,


  Welcome to the community!


  Sorry to hear you're having issues trying to upgrade your device. To clarify, are you also unable to view available devices on without logging into your My Account?


  I just attempted to upgrade my device and the site appears to be working properly. If you've been having issues for that long, it's possible the issue is related to your account.


  You should note the forums are community-driven and are not intended as a venue for customer service. We do not have access to customers' accounts. You might consider contacting customer service to verify whether there are any issues related to your account. In addition, they can also be contacted via Live Chat, Facebook, or Twitter. Those methods can be accessed via the contact page posted above. That said, since it is Canada Day, you may need to wait until after the holiday to get a response.


Hope this helps 🍁



I'm a contributor level 1
I'm a contributor level 1

Sorry to jump into mid question - but the same issue occurs for me, I've been on hold with fido call rep for 35 minutes twice already and each time I get a voice automated message saying they cannot pick up my call. 


I've been trying to upgrade online since yesterday morning and still nothing except that error message. I've tried clearing my cache and cookies and nothing has changed. 


Please help



Hi @xgamen and @Sairaphais


@xgamen, Thank you for your feedback! We're glad to read you were able to go through with your order. Smiley 


@Sairaphais, Were you able to process your order after all? Have you tried using a different browser as well? 



I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

I also can not upgrade only. Please dm me 

Thank you for contacting the Fido Community Crew. Please post your inquiry on the Fido Community, or contact us here to reach a Fido representative:

I'm a contributor level 1
I'm a contributor level 1

I tried different browsers too and clearing cache, in-cognito but it still didn’t work. I know the offer ends Monday so please provide any assistance 



Hey @Sairaphais! We'll be happy to help you. Smiley


You can reach us here for assistance or we can send you a PM via the community.

I'm a contributor level 1
I'm a contributor level 1

If you could PM me that would be appreciated



I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

I can't upgrade my device online

Hello @Tomi2,


What kind of issues are you having when you try to upgrade your device?


Let us know!



I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

I cannot upgrade my phone or change my plan online either.


I have tried 2 browsers, 2 computers and my phone and I always get a popup with the error "ppc_ineligible_errorcodeMsg". I would like to be able to make the changes without having to spend ages calling in and without getting charged the $40 fee. 

Hey @SarahB


Looks like there might be something going on with your plan or your account that is currently preventing you from placing an order for a phone upgrade.


I'll send you a PM so we can look into that together. Smiley


Talk soon!

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

Same issue here. This is not fair.

Hey @Nitrogen


Have you tried clearing your cache and deleting your cookies? Also, did you try a different browser?

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

Apologies I made it to the payment page not the confirmation.

Hey @xjordanx


Welcome to the Community !


If you log out of your My Account completely (close your Web page and open a new one) and log back in, are you able to restart the process with the same choices that you made?


You can always try another type of browser to see if the same thing occurs.


If it does, don't hesitate to contact us Smiley

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

I tried logging out clearing browser data a new browser etc etc but nothing would let me go past the second page


I ended up just waiting untill the next morning to try again and was able to make it through the process online my plan changed so i assume i will get notification about the new phone in a day or so

Hey @xgamen


We don't want our customers to experience any such difficulties when they are accessing their account or ordering new phones! 


Have you tried to clear cookies and cache as well to see if that helps?




I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

No, nothing helped. 


Then, it was about an hour later, I tried again. It worked. So, I believe it may be something to do with your server load. 


But, then, again, I think the error message must be more clear. If I knew it was due to the load, I could just try again later time. but, then, again, you could even add more additional resource to avoid this kind of problem in the event of 'black friday' shopping season. I am an engineer myself. So, I know this things happen. But, you gotta be more clear for sending specific message instead of 'generic-call-me' message. 


This is my two cents. 

