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$150 Amazon Gift Card

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1


I set up home internet back in august with the promotion for the $150 amazon gift card and i still have not recieved any emails or instructions on how to obtain the gift card.

222 REPLIES 222

Hey @young_sai


Sending a PM your way! 

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

I got my home internet on 1 September and still didn't get any email gor 150$ Amazon gift card. I have tried 5-7 time to call Fido and no body pick the call and after 45-50 minutes, it automatically disconnected. 

plz look into my concern and let me know. 

Hey @Mashuk


Welcome to the Community!


I have moved your post in this thread as it is about the same topic.


I'll send you a PM shortly so we can look into this with you. 

I'm a contributor level 2
I'm a contributor level 2

I see this type of message from Fido everywhere but did any of Fido customer care got gift card? Or they just reveive PMs forever.

Hey @Kaveri and @Shab655!


We're currently working hard to make sure all eligible customers receive their gift cards as fast as we can and thank you all very much for your patience. I can certianly understand your frustration with having waited for do long.


That said, we'll be happy to have a further look at that via PM to confirm your status, if you wish. Just let us know.

I'm a contributor level 2
I'm a contributor level 2

What is PM? I see no messages in my inbox here and not even in email. 


How much efforts it takes to provide gift card? I am sure it takes less time to provide gift card than to reply everyone here.


4 weeks promised and now 18 weeks? Efforts for 14 extra weeks? Isn't that toooooo long? For extra weeks what is compensation?

That's short for private message @Kaveri. We can send you one via the community at your request. Smiley


I can only apologize sincerely for all the waiting you have done so far. I assure you this situation was not our intention.


Let us know if you wish to discuss it further, we'll send you a PM for that.


Thank you very much for all your patience!

I'm a contributor level 2
I'm a contributor level 2

Hi, i know what PM is.


Where is PM? Which inbox it goes to? I am still waiting for both PM and gift card.

Former Moderator
Former Moderator

Hey @Kaveri!


We're going to look into things together. We're sending a private message right here on the Community, please check your inbox.


See you there! 

I'm a contributor level 2
I'm a contributor level 2

Where i did not get any private message?

Former Moderator
Former Moderator

We just sent it, check now please! 

Former Moderator
Former Moderator

Hey everyone! We understand a lot of you are experiencing some delays with your gift cards and we want to provide some clarifications as well as an update as we know you're all excited to get your gift cards!


Our home internet promos with the gift cards have proven to be quite popular and we'd like to thank you all for joining! That said, the reality is that we are experiencing some delays and we know it's been frustrating for a lot of you. We're working hard on this together with our vendor to get all gift cards and registrations e-mails to all of you asap! 




Right now, there are 2 possible scenarios so please check out the below to see where you fall in order to take the appropriate steps.


Scenario 1: Did not receive registration e-mail


The registration e-mail for the gift card takes about 6 weeks from the activation date to be received. If it's been 6 weeks and you haven't received it please don't worry as we're going to look into it with you! Please contact us if this is the case and we'll check it out. 


Scenario 2: Registered via registration e-mail and didn't receive the card yet


For this scenario, if you received the registration e-mail and not the actual card there are some things to keep in mind, such as :


- If a physical card was selected, delays can be longer than a digital one (within 4 weeks)

- If you chose a digital card, please check your junk mail to make sure it's not there (within 2 weeks)


If you still did not receive the card then please reach out to our vendor, Merkle, directly for an update. The e-mail address is : and in your e-mail be sure to include: 


•       In the subject line: GWP + the gift with purchase offered/selected
•       Name:
•       Email:
•       Account Number:
•       Purchase and activation dates:
•       A brief summary of the issue:


Merkle should get back to you within 3 business days.


Important: It's important to note that if you were eligible for one of the below offers:

- $150 Amazon or Walmart gift cards

- $100 Amazon or Walmart gift cards with the $65 package

and you did register that there are additional delays with those specific offers. We expect to get all gift cards out in the next 2 weeks; there is no need to e-mail Merkle.


Please make sure to always check your Spam and Junk email folders as the emails would be sent from OR from   


I do hope that helps everyone out. If you haven't received the registration email and have reviewed all the points above, you can send us a PM by following the steps found here

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

Hello FidoJulien, 


Greetings for the day!!!


I am also having the same issue and I see you have been helping people in this regard. I have been promised a $150 Walmart Gift Card. Would you help me. 

Already registered. Been over 2 months now. 

Account : 228553152


Thanks, Inderjeet

Hey @inderk03


I'll send you a PM so we can take a look!

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

Anyone actually recieved the amazon giftcard? I signed up in September still nothing called and live chatted multiple times. Every time the answer is the same wait another 4 weeks. Starting to get frustrated wasting my time on hold to speak to someone just for them to say the same thing the last person said 4 weeks ago.

I'm a contributor level 1
I'm a contributor level 1

I was told in December it would be 10 days and then waited a month and contacted Fido again and said it would be 10 days again. My issue was supposed to have been expedited and no surprise another couple of weeks have passed and NOTHING.


I noticed when you search the issue the same BS post has been made about delays and BLAH BLAH.


What I don't understand is if you have had problems getting the gift cards WHY would you offer another promotion before the previous one had been resolved and all people get their gift card.


Also, when people who signed up 3 months later have gotten their gift card and others are still waiting it makes no sense.



I'll send you a PM so we can take a look at this together.


Talk to you soon! 

I'm a contributor level 1
I'm a contributor level 1

I placed a call with Customer Service and fortunately spoke with the right person who didn't give me any runaround and profiled my issue to someone in charge and received my gift card within one day.

Good to know! 

Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

Hey @andrew4,


I've moved your post here, you'll be able to find more info in the solution above. 



I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1



I got my internet set up on Sept 25th and I still did not recieve my $150 amazon gift card. I did not recieve any emails for ehelloworld in my email and spam folder. Everytime I call they tell me they will fill out a form and i have to wait another week. How do you guys not prepare for this, especially with the holidays coming up and knowing people are going to want use the gift cards? Very disappointed with how this is being handled to a brand new customer.