Check out who made the Spotlight in December!
Hey Community! It’s time to Spotlight the top members of December! Huge shoutout to these Community members; they shined in December by offering advice and assistance to other members: @K...
Hey Community! It’s time to Spotlight the top members of December! Huge shoutout to these Community members; they shined in December by offering advice and assistance to other members: @K...
Hey Community, I hope you enjoyed the holidays with your families and friends On behalf of the entire Community crew, I would like to wish you all a happy New Year! 2018 was another fantasti...
Hi everyone, Are you ready for the next Fido XTRA contest? Introducing the Fido XTRA Gift Card contest! Fido XTRA wants to spread some holiday cheer by giving away $20,000 in gift cards! Fido...
Hey Community! What a contest! Over 120 recipes were posted in the 300K contest board and they all look so delicious!! Extra huge thanks to all those who participated What a turn-out! And on t...
Hey everyone! We’re ready to announce the winners of the Fido XTRA LG G7 One contest! Congratulations to the following: AlisonB.ONLindaT.ONShazalynaM.ONNadjibO.QCDesireeS.ONPeterJ.BCTylerG.ON...
Hey Community! It’s time to Spotlight the top members of November! Huge shoutout to these Community members; they shined in November by offering guidance and support to other members in the Com...