I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3
Member since July 2019
December 2023

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I placed order for iPhone 13 (used) and I received confirmation same day that device will be shipped 2-5 and working days, next week I will be called and they told me it's back order!Every week I'm calling and receiving confirmation I'll receive it s...
There was great offer on iPhone 13 for black Friday (143$ down payment and 9 $ monthly contract) when I tried to book it, the completion of check out was never happening, then when it worked it was showing the full price without any adjustment!I trie...
Since I arrived Canada I was dealing with Fido which had an outstanding service level even on the world scale, even when there was small issues it was solved professionally by fido customer service..But recently I had bad experience with Fido, where ...
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