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WinBack department contac

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

When i left, win back team reached out but due to the oustanding balance on the phone that didnt get issue until the next cycle bill. They couldnt set me up at the time of the call. 


I've asked them to call back after the bill is issued, now my balance with Fido is all good but i have no way to contact the team nor do they give me another call. 


Hi @carmenxtr , the winback team works to win back previous subscribers. They work through a list and sometimes it takes a while to get back around to your number. If there's any offerings currently that appeal to you, you could sign up again on the website or wait until you get a call again from the winback team. You could call fido customer support and ask if they can leave a message for them. See Here for ways to contact Fido