July 2021
i Have Been with Fido for over 11 years and experienced something very very unprofessional. What had happened was after my contract had ended i called back to upgrade my plan and was given amazing options after discussing plans with my spouse I decided to go through with the plan we both thoughts was ideal and budget-friendly. After confirming with the agent multiple times the overall bill after tax and the difference of the upgrade we decided it was an amazing deal and we went through with it. i got my phone and I was happy with the phone and deal i had gotten. not to mention i also called my brother in law who i have business lines with fido and informed him how i received such an amazing deal. we were preaching how well we were treated etc keeping in mind our business line has close to 30 cell phones. he was thinking of upgrading his managers he had worked for us aswell (their phones) however due to covid and work being slow we decided not to. as the noth goes on i recive a phone call from my accountant stating my phone bill is to high and he was wondering what was going on if i had added another line etc as i have to stay in a strict budget i stated to him no i did not and that's where i got a chance to check my fido phone bill and i was left jaw dropped i saw my bill and was very upset and i made a phone call to my wife and informed her and she recommended me to call fido and figure this out. Keeping in mind due to the pandemic i we are already on a tight budget as well. i got a chance to call fido and inform them of my problem and the agent was very respectful and apologized on behalf of her colleague's mistake of informing me of wrong information as she looked further into this situation she informed me that something very odd had happened and there were no notes on file when my activation was made. at that point i was very very upset due to the fact i assumed i would be held responsible or even be told i was wrong etc as there was no information on behalf of the fidos agent, After dealing with fido for over 10 years i do know for a fact that notes are made 110% and i have personally used notes on my file for promotions. for example, i was given an option for more data for a certain amount of money extra on my account i had a couple of days to decided and i was able to call back and get that offer due to the fact i had it on my file and a note was on file. however in this case after this activation, there was no notes nothing for anyone to refer back to. As upset as i was i requested gto speak to a manager. i was transferred to a supervisor and she heard my story and informed me there is nothing that can be done due to the fact i was emailed a contract. as i had stated before i have had such amazing service in the past decade which I did not even need to go through papers to see what the agent had said was written. the survivor was very very rude and told me nothing can be done and said Goodluck i was extremely upset and spoke to my brother in law about this and we will be dealing with Telus instead due to the fact i have wifi and tv at my house with them and they have never ever done anything so unprofessional like this ever. Mine and my brother-in-law will be switching our business lines along with personal lines to Telus due to this incident. if it was not for my accountant I would have not known and maybe even let it slip by but extra 60 dollars a month is wrong and not informing an induvial is extremely wrong and on top of that if a customer is complaining telling them nothing can be done is just beyond wrong I am very upset and this made me even more upset. I highly recommend dealing with better service providers instead. Not to forget I was emailed a deal and have screenshots of the email and was told: "you are lying" I personally run a business and find this very unprofessional due to the fact their slogan is "giving low prices a good home" when in fact they are just misleading information. I am in the process of getting my lines switched over once I confirm it I will be leaving fido. it was nice dealing with them for over 10 years but my recent experience was just unreal.
February 2024
They have done that to me . The plan i chose was missing very crucial information and now i have to pay a big bill due to the missed information.
February 2024
Hey @Viola2 !
Welcome to the Community.
We always aim to be honest and transparent when presenting offers and plans, so we're sorry to hear there were some bad surprises on your bill.
If you need assistance with your account or want us to look into this further, please don't hesitate to reach out to customer service.
July 2021
Hey @jevandhaliwal! We appreciate your loyalty, 11 years doesn't go unnoticed and we thank you for sticking by us
That said, we're sad to read what happened and our teams would love to review the account with you in order to find the best solution. Keep in mind, that if the phone was purchased through our contact centre or online, you also have 30 days if ever you decide to return it.
Can you please reach out to a Specialist again to review the situation further?
July 2021
Goodmorning Nick, i just saw this reply and notification through my email. I appreciate you tajing your time and replying back. Feel free to contact me as i am already in the process of escalating this situation. My number that ends with 1400 can be reached at anytime. Thanks look foward to heard back from you & your team.
July 2021
Good day @jevandhaliwal,
In order to speak with a representative over the phone, please reach us at 1-888-481-FIDO (3436).
Should you prefer, you also have the option to send us a PM here on the Community.
Have a great day.