February 2024
I am writing to express my deep disappointment and frustration regarding recent charges on my account. I understand that some charges may be inevitable, and I was prepared to accept them. However, the message indicating that I must fully pay for services I haven't used is distressing and seems unjust.
I want to bring to your attention that I unintentionally forgot to continue the suspension of services from November. I acknowledge this oversight and take full responsibility for it. Unfortunately, I was in Ukraine during that time dealing with daily stress, which led to my forgetfulness in extending the suspension. I just forgot to extend the suspension. I contacted customer support multiple times and nobody could help me.
It's unfair for me, especially considering my history with Fido. Fido was the first company I chose when I arrived in Canada in 2014, and I've had different numbers under your services over the years. I've always valued Fido's services and have been a loyal customer.
And now when I have this issue, nobody could help me. I contacted fido support multiple times and created a case (C195906127) and haven’t even got any case updates for 20 days! Then I contacted customer service and they said that I still have to pay for all the time even though I haven’t used any services. I lost my SIM card in July and haven’t been using Fido services at all! I explained it multiple times.
Moreover, I remember I had the same situation before and Fido helped me to decrease the charges. I don’t know what happened now, but it is 100% not fair.
Also, the whole year my bill was $35/month and now when I haven’t used my services it switched to $65. I know it happened because my promotion has ended, but it all happened at once making it even more unfair at my side to pay more for not using the services at all.
Thats why I am deeply disappointed now and cancelling the service with the company after 10 years.
February 2024
I already contacted Fido 2 times and they told me that I have to pay over $200 for not using the service at all. Even though they checked my account and confirmed that I havent been using their services for over 7 months. I just forgot to continue monthly account freeze in November. I had similar situations with Amazon, Apple, other companies and everyone helped me, but not Fido. This is just unfair and I am very dissapointed because this is the first company that completely doesn't care about their customers. I've never been in such situation before. When I said I want to cancel my services they didn't even care about this. Very rude and unprofessional. I was literally recommending the company to all my friends before (I work with new immigrants) that's hilarious. Will do the opposite now.
February 2024
Hello Hanna111,
Welcome to the community!
Sorry to hear of your situation. I understand you feel you have been unfairly treated. However, as you note, you did not seek to extend your temporary suspension. You even acknowleged the oversight and took responsibility for not doing so. If your services were not suspended, you would be charged as per normal. Unfortunately, post-paid services are charged monthly regardless of usage.
@hanna111 wrote:
...Moreover, I remember I had the same situation before and Fido helped me to decrease the charges. I don’t know what happened now, but it is 100% not fair.
You claim Fido has not treated you fairly. No company is obliged to reduce charges on valid charges. However, you note Fido has previously offered a gesture of goodwill by decreasing similar previous charges. How many goodwill gestures should be expected??
You mentioned other companies helped your situation. However, had you received compensation from them before? Most customers, if they are fortunate, might receive one token of goodwill. Expecting additional gestures is not very reasonable. Not many businesses would accomodate repeated requests for bill adjustments.
You claim Fido doesn't care about their customers. If they didn't, they would not have helped you out with your previous situation. Expecting them to help you out again is not fair to them nor their other customers.
February 2024
Hello, Cawtau,
Thank you for your answer and opinion.
February 2024
Yes, Amazon for example told me that if you weren't using the services for several months, we will send you a refund and they did it ($85). It took me only 15 mins. With Fido it took me 20 days and several hours to hear the negative answer. While waiting for the reply, I could not freeze or cancel my account!!! (because my balance was negative), so now I have to pay for extra month of waiting. I haven't got even an email about the case updates. I just contacted them back by myself and asked for the updates. Had to wait like 20 mins for them to check. Do you think this is acceptable and respectful towards a customer? I really don't think so.
Actually I remembered that it wasn't Fido that decreased charges in the past, it was a different company in Switzerland. I've never asked them anything for 10 years, so no tokens of "goodwill" were ever used.
February 2024