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Bill payment after account deactivation

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

Hello. I changed my connection from fido to another company but I owe fido about $344 and I want to pay that but the account services are not letting me do it. I tried to visit the store but they told me to contact the customer service. I need help as the late payment charges are continuously applying on my bill.

All I'm seeing is that my account doesn't have any bill but at the bottom it shows me that I owe fido $344.



Hey @Japneet1


We offer a few methods of payment, in case you don't have access to your online account. You can find more information about it here.


The best option for you would be to pay from your bank account, using your Fido account number. You can also use our Interactive Voice Response system (1-888-481-3436).


Customer service can also be reached by phone or even on social media. Visit this page to get all the contact information.


Hope this helps!