a week ago
To begin, Fido customer service is appalling, not nearly as bad as Bell, though not far behind. Chat specialists and the chat feature are absolutely useless, and often more than not, CSR's are rude, and pressuring, or copy paste no poops given attitudes, and often being prematurely CUT OFF, ENDING CHAT SESSIONS! Does it make any sense to be told I can't help you, call a CSR, when they technically are doing the same job? I am completely frustrated, no, ANGRY! Over 3 hours of being passed along today, and all are clueless!
I also severely dislike being hounded for personal information! It is almost to the point of, without it you won't be serviced. You need to be VERY clever to deal with these people in TRYING not to divulge personal credentials! Credentials should NEVER be needed to ask a simple question! It is a blatant tactic to upgade you. This is a privacy concern for those not willing. It's unnecessary data gathering. Some use the excuse the website offers different offers for different parts of the city, even though the website doesn't reflect this tactic. Seriously, why would my city district matter? Ironically, Rogers does not hound to the same degree, yet it's the same company, same chat 'specialists,' likely in the same call center. Every experience of using customer service yields the same frustration and lack of resolve. I pay enough, and everyone else, to have KNOWLEDGEABLE service reps! Also not outsourced outside Canada to call centers that DO NOT care, and know not of anything on the Fido website! Thus basic knowledge of their job. Basic concerns of displayed advertising on the Fido website! These customer reps wonder why we the customer get on calls emoting frustrated anger and pissy behaviors!
ALSO, I and every existing customer should not be treated to que wait times! As an existing customer, in chat, you can be subject to que and wait HOURS! As a new activation to talk to a chat rep, is INSTANT SERVICE! Completely asinine.
This is in regards to a displayed offer on the device page, after a specific device is selected for more details. As of today, Monday February 24th 2025, of device options I am browsing, specific devices will be Motorola Edge 2024, or TCL Nxtpaper 50 XE. Regardless of being logged into my account, or not logged in, being that of a new customer activation. The offer is displayed the same for both devices. Before selecting of three options to continue the transaction process, asking if upgrading line, adding line, or new customer activation (when not logged in). All three yeild same offer. Regardless of new customer plan price offers, or exclusive to me offers, the offer 'one offer available' in green, is displayed, below the device picture and details. I reside in Manitoba if it makes a difference. When clicking on the offer it brings up a popup and reads "ongoing monthly 5 dollar discount." After selecting the options for new activation, upgrade, or add line, this offer is no longer reflected anywhere in the transaction process. In the box that displays discounts it shows only the auto payment discount and phone cost discount. The offer does not show. The bill transaction details do not reflect the offer. Obviously I haven't completed the transaction to see if the offer was added, and or blindly hoping it will eventually show on a bill months down the road. How are such basic questions of advertisements not known by these chat 'specialists?'
It is the case every time ever speaking to chat, they are not abreast of what is on the actual Fido site! Ironically, I got the best non resolved explanation of the 5 dollar discount by the new activations sales member. Their explanation was they would assume it would/may show on the first bill. Obviously I do not trust wishy washy assumptions. I asked to be elevated to a manager, apparently we can not be. It was very difficult to even get these reps to know what I was referring to, (I think they didn't care to be bothered). Obviously I'm articulate if noticing reading this, thus it wasn't my efforts in explanation that was the problem. (Have transcripts). Was told repeatedly they could "make sure" I got the discount if completing the transaction through them. Funny how they suddenly know what they don't know if it will push a sale.
Ultimately I was given a link to a customer representative web page. Followed the form, repeatedly trying, it stating missing asterisked infos, thus would not send my concern. So I am now here as every step has been of no resolve and, 4+ hours of my time as I write this! I was given the excuse "the manager is in a meeting" when asking the rep to inquire to their manager to clarify this concern. Obviously no want for their own knowledge to be updated by management on services offered on the Fido website.
When all are clueless, what is the point employing these people? Reduce our bill costs and abolish customer service! We are better served by customers/active reps in the community help! Now, after my waste of time, it continues to be others wasted time, translating to dollars wasted on both parties. 3 reps in various departments, a possible manager involvement twice, now whomever answers this, and not including previous days playing CSR games. Is it cost effective to have quantity of 'specialists' over quality of service? Basic ADVERTISED offers, they could not figure out! Is it false/misleading advertising?
I pay and pay to be frustrated when it counts. 13 years consecutively with Fido and this post reflects exactly what customer service means to Fido. My exclusive offers also reflect how penny pinching leads to poor customer satisfaction.
I would care to proceed with the completion of transaction (device and plan upgrade) BEFORE the costs of these devices change, currently offered at zero down, zero % financing, zero monthly on both devices mentioned above. I also have an exlusive plan offer discrepancy to argue, and it makes me ill to have to deal further with incompetent penny pinchers.
To all customers, to what is offered, there is always room for negotiation, there is 15% margin to haggle. I also figured out over much time, all three monopoly providers are willing to sell 2.5Gb data per dollar as of late 2023 2024 2025, do the math.
With my long standing service I should be, and all other long standing customers be rewarded. Not run around with the feeling of wanting to expel the service with this provider and move on. Yet in Canada that is completely useless in a monopoly as they know they can treat us like this without regard. Penny pinching is an understatement, my plan has been ramped up by $9.50 forcing an upgrade! Logically it isn't logical to stay on a plan that is 50 cents away from the better plan, to be stuck into a contractual obligation. I love their tactics.
Also, I'm always kept within a price bracket and exclusive offers have always reflected this. To the people reading this, your exclusive offers will forever be within dollars to the amount you started your journey with Fido/ or other providers. They know you were willing to pay X amount, X amount is where they will hold you! My exclusive offer is better than walk up customers (as of today), but I want my 13 year cake and pay less for it monthly! After 11, 12+ thousand dollars in phone bills, we should be praised. I would like to reduce my bill at the expense of gigabytes. Though be within margine of 2.5Gb per dollar. I have also determined if your new device is less than the plan amount they can offer a plan price reduction.
Obviously I need a person that can complete my wishes, and resolve my query to black and white on paper offer. I could very easily perform this transaction myself, though I'm subject to fighting my case. This has been a very lengthy endeavor for a simple request. Now 6 hours later, not including hours on many previous days dealing with customer service representatives, representing how much they 'care' about customers.
Thanks, Ryan
Hello UCYImOnFire,
Welcome to the community!
Sorry to hear of your experiences. However, you should note the forums are community-driven and not intended as a venue for customer services. We do not have access to customers' accounts nor would we know what was previously discussed.
@UCYImOnFire wrote:
...I also severely dislike being hounded for personal information! It is almost to the point of, without it you won't be serviced. You need to be VERY clever to deal with these people in TRYING not to divulge personal credentials! Credentials should NEVER be needed to ask a simple question!...
... why would my city district matter? ....
I also do not like to divulge personal information unnecessarily. I agree that credentials should not be required for simple questions. However, some questions may require access to customers' accounts. In order to access their accounts, they do need to verify the caller's identity. Unfortunately, that process often requires comparing information provided by the caller with that on the customer's account.
I understand you reside in Manitoba. To be honest, I do not know whether city district in that Province makes a difference in phone/plan options. However, it possibly could make a difference. As far as I am aware, only phone numbers from Ottawa can avail of some of the Québec plans. The rest of Ontario can only choose from the Ontario plans. That difference is not advertised on Fido.ca. I do not know if there are similar situations in Manitoba.
With regards to the phone purchase offer:
@UCYImOnFire wrote:
... Regardless of new customer plan price offers, or exclusive to me offers, the offer 'one offer available' in green, is displayed, below the device picture and details. I reside in Manitoba if it makes a difference. When clicking on the offer it brings up a popup and reads "ongoing monthly 5 dollar discount."
To be clear, I do not know the exact offer to which you refer. However, as far as I can tell from the website, that offer is for select plans only:
~taken from Fido.ca (prices as of February 25, 2025).
Note that the plan with 60GB does not appear to be eligible for that offer.
~taken from Fido.ca (prices as of February 25, 2025).
After choosing an eligible plan, the ongoing discount does appear listed in the Cart Summary.
I should mention that I made those selections as a New Customer. I have not attempted the same as an Existing customer. Again, I do not know the exact details of your purchase attempts. If you are not seeing the ongoing discount, is it possible the plan you had chosen is not eligible for the offer?
It should also be noted that offer likely does not extended to other plans. It's possible that ongoing discount could be removed if customers later choose to change their plan to one ineligible for the discount.
I understand you have already spent time with customer service. However, if you want someone to address your issue, you would need to contact customer service again. In addition, they can also be contacted via Live Chat, Facebook, or Twitter. Those methods can be accessed via the contact page posted above. As Original_Lucy has also mentioned, you can also choose try to Resolve your Concern.
Hope this helps 😀
I apologize in regards to going scorched Earth to customer service. It would be you'd think, more efficient if Fido was consistent, and staff kept updated. I still stand beside you the community was more helpful, and as you say it’s not your job. It’s their job to know. They don’t know. Or don’t want to bother. Reflects in our opinion of customer service. I reflect as being the customer(s) CSR's despise to deal with. 😁
We are on the same page so to speak. Thanks! You are seeing that $5 discount in question. That discount disappears for me even though it says initially it's available. My ultimate question was/would have been, do I get it? I’m understanding by your explanation advertised promotions are for select individuals, not all. I’ve determined, the system has a way of skirting advertised promotions that by their (poor) explanation should be available regardless the selected plan. If we all have slightly different output, the system shouldn’t show a nice carrot to have it taken away. Because the system algorithms are individually catered, it should show only what can be available for that person. Obviously the system knows what the existing customer will be privy to before selecting any device and continuing the process, thus offers not relevant shouldn’t be shown, saves customer confusion. (My confusion). Clarity of the offers would further solve this. More precise explanation in the more info window that opens after clicking offer. What plans it would apply to, maybe directly linking to corresponding plans. When the customer is lost, and customer service is lost it makes for an unnecessarily frustrating experience. Blanket advertising is highly misleading. CSR's should know what the system can offer in general. Telling a customer I don’t know what you are talking about, yet it shows on the website to the masses, seems an excuse to not try their best to find the answer for the customer. Which is the experience I’ve had. Management is at fault for not training staff of current advertisement.
Regarding giving personal information, yes I know if I want them to explain my exclusive offers or account concerns they would need access to who I am. My view is I shouldn’t have to immediately identify myself to have them continue helping a customer. If I refuse to identify I’m essentially cancelled. Maybe we should be able to ask questions prior to being hounded over and over and over for name and number. Ask if it is later relevant to know. For me it wasn’t relevant to know. A question of current advertisement doesn’t/shouldn’t require a customer to be verified. The new activations CSR I had also wanted my name, why, I’m theoretically not an existing customer! Why is the general public being profiled? Ask a customer for province of origin, that’s all that’s needed. Proceed from there.
My plans may not be eligible for the offer. How am I to know that? Which is/was part of my question to the CSR's and got nowhere. ‘What is the offer and how will I be eligible, what plans would be eligible, why am I not eligible even though it leads to believe I should be eligible?’ I’m being asked essentially to answer my own question. We never got to this point because the effort to figure out what I was talking of was obviously beyond the effort they wanted to put forth. Feed me onto another CSR from a different department. Which fed me onto sending me back to the original department. Then and both times told to call instead. Do the phone agents have some voodoo magic potions ingredient list that chat reps don’t have access too? Even though their job is the same job. To the customer it looks like laziness to engage, pass the difficult ones on into a runaround, ultimately to the phone CSR's that now receive an already revved up customer, then complain of a customers rudeness when frustrations are clear. (Gathered from others experiences with phone reps). Then I’m asked if I want to speak to management (customer service department for ‘concerns' whoever they are), when I already asked previously to speak to management (because they were clueless), and with this gives them complete reason to discontinue engaging the customer thus passing the customer along again. Not having got any useful input, to leave the customer loathing to talk to another CSR. This is all avoidable. Have highly trained CANADIAN staff and pay them to stay. Commissions based customer service, and overseas call centers is garbage service. If it takes too long or any effort required, you/us the customer is cancelled, abruptly ending chat. Literally. Mid sentence… This appalling behavior happens to me easily 60% of the time with customer service in general.
My fundamentally simple question turned into what apparently was a bigger issue. Customer service. It wasn’t on the agenda. Not as though I was asking impossibly difficult questions like:
Does my account history follow me to Rogers mobile if I switched from Fido, being they’re the same company that’s constantly sending me Rogers/Fido branded offers? Likely no, my history wouldn’t follow and my long standing under the Fido umbrella would be lost. I wouldn’t want to lose all the wonderful exclusive! offers Fido poses to me. If someone is interested to answer this particular question I really do want to know!? Lol. I don’t want to close long existing accounts for credit rating purposes even if offered something better from Rogers. (Have had tempting offers). To which I may switch if my billing history and such followed. Fido is trying their best to make me switch.
I had contacted customer service… I should contact customer service again… Customer service was unable to address my issue… Contacting customer service again will solve my issue… 🤔 I’m happy you helped me… Thank you. Engaging with the community yields better knowledge... What isn’t found in the Fido Community may be found on Reddit…. 😂
Sorry to have wasted the time of you and others who responded. As this has been a complete waste of my own time. I shall rather bare the anxiety I will carry for the next 2 years to not have the feeling I won a deal that I’m happy with. Being better than the anxiety of having to battle customer service over $215 dollars.
…Now would not be the time to ask me to fill out a Fido customer service satisfaction survey as it would be a scathing review. ☻
a week ago
Hi @UCYImOnFire , I understand your frustration. If you would like to pursue more interaction to express your concerns, you can reach out to report a concern or problem Here.
Scroll down the page to report a concern or a complaint.