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Random short interruptions on my cable internet

I'm a contributor level 1
I'm a contributor level 1

It probably happend lots more so I started tracking using syslog and extended pings, my cable internet with Fido would have short interruptions (from about 13 to 20 seconds). It dropped my video conference calls (I had video runing on this faster cable link). It happened yesterday (Dec 25) at 10:18am and then again today (Dec 26) at 14:11pm. In both cases my cable link lost connection for that duration and then recovered on its own. My cable internet speed is never the problem, but only those mini interruptions are bothering me. The brings the reason I had to get a slower DSL connection to back up my cable internet - which never has this issue. Yes I ended up having to pay for dual internet to maintain my uptime. Not sure is others having same short interruption issues on Fido/Rogers cable internet?


I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

everyone is having this issue it seems

I'm a contributor level 1
I'm a contributor level 1

I am already on my second CODA modem. Same random drop issues. I never noticed this until my wife complained that she was disconnected from both of her Zoom class sessions in a day (serious situation when you have to teach) so I began to look further. Now I cannot put any business/critical activities on this cable link (as it is not reliable at all), I just put higher speed/bandwidth entertainment/download traffic on it. I think this Fido/Rogers internet issue is beyond their Level-1 or 2 support (e.g. reboot, swap modem to name a few). I was so naive to even put a timer switch to perform daily afterhours power-cycle of the modem at one time to no avail. This is either their network engineering or their choice of modem as someone have suggested elsewhere.