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Former Moderator
Former Moderator



Hey Community,


Introducing a new way to add a line on a Bring Your Own Phone plan!


Simply log in to My Account, select the Add a Line button and follow these steps:


  1. Choose your Data
  2. Choose your Calling Option
  3. Choose your Add-ons
  4. Choose your Caller ID
  5. Choose your Phone Number


Once the order is complete, we’ll send you a SIM card free of charge in the mail within 2 business days. Once you get the SIM, pop it in your phone and BAM! You’re good to go.


How about that for quick and easy?


Note: If you’re porting in a phone number from a different provider, you’ll need to contact us once you get the SIM card in the mail to complete the transfer.


Feel free to post your questions, or comments in the comment section below 😃


Have a great day everyone!



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