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prepaid pay per use

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

What happens if I don't use up $35 worth of data in a month? Does it carry on to the next month?


For Prepaid pay per use customers Is it up to us when to top up when we need to or Fido charges $35 every month even if I still have left-over dollars in our account?


Senior MVP Senior MVP
Senior MVP

Hello HSP1,


  Welcome to the community!


@HSP1 wrote: What happens if I don't use up $35 worth of data in a month? Does it carry on to the next month?

  No, unused data does not carry-over to the next month. What plan do you have? As far as I am aware, the $35 monthly prepaid plan does not include any data.


@HSP1 wrote:..For Prepaid pay per use customers Is it up to us when to top up when we need to or Fido charges $35 every month even if I still have left-over dollars in our account?

  If you have signed up for a monthly Prepaid plan, the monthly fee will be automatically deducted from your account. It would be up to the customer to ensure their account has sufficient funds to cover the monthly fee. If your account does not have sufficient funds to pay the plan fee, a 40¢ per minute rate will apply for local calls on the $35 per month plan (see Full Details). In addition, a 30¢/text rate and a 50¢/picture and video text rate apply to each text sent to Canadian wireless numbers (30¢ and 75¢ to US wireless numbers, and 35¢ and 75¢ to international wireless numbers, respectively).



Hope this helps 😀







I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

Thanks, Cawtau MVP