December 2020
Last month I was overcharged for 1000 minutes international calls of 280 dollars. I had been a loyal customer of Fido for couple of years, never missed any payment or anything.
I spent 2+ hours for three times with Fido to get assistance in this matter, but they were quite rude.
They ended the conversation saying that it's customers duty to keep check on over usage. I want to question Fido, inspite of getting 1000s of complaints regarding this matter why they cannot simply send a text message that one is going to cross the limit. Why Fido do this on purpose? If they can do it for internet data, what's wrong with packages? I don't understand this model of customer service!!
Also, 2 months back, when I updated my phone plan, their agent made some mistake and I got charged for 60 dollars for international calls. I dealt with the mistake very politely even though I have not received that money back yet. If we as customers can adjust to the mistakes of the Fido agents , why Fido has such rude stand?
December 2020
Hey @kaur23,
Welcome to the community!
I can certainly understand how it can be surprising to receive a bill that is so much higher than expected.
In regards to the 1000 long-distance minutes to select countries, we currently do not offer a SMS alert to advise of the usage.
It is within the customer’s responsibility to review the usage. That said, the minutes can be directly tracked via the app! If ever you don't see that usage, let us know and we'll be able to help!
You can always contact our credit operations teams to establish a payment plan to help with this high bill!
As for the other issue with the $60 charge, we can definitely review this together.
You can message us directly on Facebook or Twitter, or, alternatively, we can PM you here if you'd prefer! 😊