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Unable to reply Fido's authorization request to number transfer (via SMS) when in roaming

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

Hi there,


I'm leaving overseas now, and because of that I need to transfer my number to a VoIP provide to be able to keep in touch with my family. I started the portability process with my new VoIP provider, and I received the SMS from Fido (from number 427677) to confirm the number transfer and I reply it within 30 minutes (the time limit is 90 minutes) , but my transfer request was cancelled by Fido because (I assume) that they didn't receive my reply.


My hypothesis: since the originate number is only 6 (427677) digits, I dont think it will receive any messages from me once I'm abroad. Usually, when I call/send SMS to someone of my family in Canada (when overseas), I do need to type:  +country code + area code + phone number to SMS be delivered (the same to calls).


So, my question is: how can I reply Fido's authorization requests living abroad (since the originate SMS number does not include the country code + area code ?


Regards !




Senior MVP Senior MVP
Senior MVP

Hello Thatsme,


  Welcome to the community!


  As Kapable-K has noted below, you can contact Fido's Validation team directly (see here and here). However, if you are already overseas, I'm not sure whether you'll be able to contact them using that number. I do not know whether that toll-free number is available internationally (see here and here). You might need to call the From Abroad contact number listed the link provided by FidoAlex. They may be able to transfer your call to the appropriate team.


Hope this helps 😀




@thatsme  customer service would not be able to help you, to speed things up you need to call this number 1 (866) 405-8694 that's the direct number to Rogers porting team after they verify you they will release the number immediately. I just went through this a couple of weeks back.


Hey @thatsme, Alex here. 


We can authorize the transfer manually on our end, make sure to contact our customer service and they'll be able to help.