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First Bill - More than double the charge

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

I received my first bill today. I opted for 45 CAD plan which includes 6GB data. I took the plan on Feb 23rd and my bill is $103.52 which is more than double the charge of monthly plan. I haven't used more than the allowed daily limit of data, not even on the first day, then what is this other charges and credits which is $46.61?? Set up fee is mentioned as $45 Which was not mentioned to me at all at the time of purchase. I asked about the charges and the agent only mentioned that "first bill will be a little bit extra, maybe $5 due to the bill cycle period". But nothing about the set up charges. I saw in few posts that it is mentioned in the document we sign, but I was not shown this content, just the $45 amount with 6GB data and additional 1000 international minutes. 

This is not acceptable behaviour, because we are unaware, this is purposefully not disclosing information to sell the plan. Please look into this.


I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

I have the same experience as of today! 

Total bill for my first month is about 112 something, which is doubled the amount of the plan I got advice from the front-store staff, including:

- a one-time setup fee

- partial fee for services from the date your service was first activated until the end of your billing cycle

- full charges for the coming month and any add-ons you may have

The guy even print me a document with no fee charges at all, but he charged on my card, it was the same thing! He should have disclosed the full information for the customer! My experience for the store is super bad! I felt sorry for all the efforts that others put hard work in! 

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

So wish I had never signed up with Fido. 

Hey @Nilan25,


We're sorry to learn you're feeling this way!


Can you tell us a little bit about what happened?


Hey @BM30


Welcome to the Community!


We understand that getting a higher than expected bill can be surprising and that's not something we want for our customers. That said, the first bill is typically always higher than usual. It includes: 


- a one-time setup fee

- partial fee for services from the date your service was first activated until the end of your billing cycle

- full charges for the coming month and any add-ons you may have


It appears that you were billed the setup. This is a standard fee within the industry and is a legitimate charge. The only way to not have the fee is if you activate your line yourself through


How was your line activated? (on call or in store etc.)


I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

It was in store. But I did ask him whether there is any fee and he said no. Don't you think high set up free should be mentioned?

If this was mentioned, I would've definitely done it online. It is not a small amount, it is one month charge for service!!!

New comers like me are definitely not aware of such charges and feel absolutely cheated.

I totally understand where you're coming from and we don't want your experience to be anything but positive with us.


Our frontline employees should mention the said fee to you, or provide you with the receipt/document indicating the fee. Were you given any such document?



I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

No I was not given any such document. I wasn't even aware of the fee until I got the bill. 

This should be mentioned before the purchase. If I knew there was free activation option online, I would've done that obviosly.

Former Moderator
Former Moderator

Hey there @BM30


I'm sorry about your experience at the store. As previously mentioned, you can avoid that fee by setting up your account and completing the phone order online on, using our self-serve options.


The setup service fee is applied automatically and will appear on your next bill, or your first bill in your case. While we do offer some promotions from time to time to cover that fee, it's generally charged in store for the setup of your account and/or phone.


Unfortunately seeing as you've completed the activation in store and there was no promotion offered, the fee is valid and cannot be waived.

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

This is not helpful at all. How can a person who is new in this country know about this charge if your employees are not disclosing it? 

Purposefully hiding information and tricking the customers is in your policy? I even asked the person whether there is a fee and should I pay for the connection and he said NO.

At least this fee should have been mentioned during that time. The way to activate online can also be mentioned as an option - but no, because then this charge cannot be added. 

Hey @BM30,


I'm sorry to learn that the store didn't disclose this information with you during the activation. They definitely should be advising you of this fee during the set-up. Rest assured, our goal is not to hide this information from you!


By all means, we do thank you for your feedback, as we continue to improve our processes.