March 2018
Hi Cusr
My account is showing two phones activated on my account(Mar 26 2018).I never requested these lines,
They are activated today.(Monthly charges 70 to 110)
I would like to know is Fido has broken down when you put customers on any plan when there is no request.
My online account is showing two additional lines that are activated.
What action does Fido takes on the representative when they do such action.
Hi Customer Service,
This is my second complaint.I was offered two phones with iphone 8 plus(for $60) and a $25 for unlimited canada wide calling.They never came and Fido does not want to speak about this.
The customer service who promised this was Karan Razdan from Retention.He called me and wasted my hour to take the plan.
Can you please look and sort these out.
March 2018
Hey @pksingh!
That doesn't sound right at all, and we'll have to look into your account to see what happened
That said, did you receive any suspicious texts recently and if so did you enter any of your information? You can see some examples here.
I'm sending you a PM so we can get this resolved, see you there!
March 2018
I recieved an email today that one SIM is being sent to me and one iphone is being sent to me.Plan amount is 70 and 110.
I did not ordered these phones.I am not going to take anything from Fido onwards.
I have two others line and I am going to close them too.Fido should move its operation to outside Canada.They do not have any ethics.
Can you take action against the customer service agent who is causing this trouble for me.
March 2018
The actions you described is a violation of criminal code of Canada and can lead to jail time. I would contact your local police department and make a File.
I also highly doubt that Fido employees will make changes to your account without your prior concent. I would also double check to make sure you did not authorize any other users of your 2 phone lines to make changes to the account.
March 2018