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Charged after wifi calling

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

I recently travelled outside of Canada. My phone was on airplane mode the whole time and I made phone calls via wifi calling on my iPhone. Then Fido charged me for international roaming for those days I made calls. 
Could anybody explain how this was possible please?!


Senior MVP Senior MVP
Senior MVP

Hello KM79,


  Welcome to the community!


  I understand your usage was using Wifi-calling. However, were your calls to non-Canadian numbers? Are you aware that some Wifi-calling usage is considered roaming? If your calls and/or text messages -- while abroad -- were made to non-Canadian numbers, that usage would be considered roaming (see link above).


  I'm not sure how people have gotten the impression that Wifi-calling does not use the networks. However, that is not true. While the calls and messages do not transmit via cellular towers, they still use the networks via the internet gateway (see image here). The cellular towers and Wifi are merely alternate means of accessing the networks. If the calls transmitted entirely over the internet (ie FaceTime) and not through the networks, Fido would not have any record of such calls. Furthermore, calls and messages would not be able to complete or get sent/received without the networks.


  In addition, the fee for Fido Roam is charged when your device uses your Fido services. Making and/or receiving calls with your Canadian phone number abroad is using Fido Services. Yes, Fido makes allowances for Wifi-calling usage to Canadian numbers, but it is still technically using their services.


  I also understand this is a difficult time and receiving such a bill even more distressing. If you're unable to make full payment on the bill, you might consider trying to arrange a payment schedule. To make an arrangement, you'll need to contact the credit operations department. It should also be mentioned that any arrangement would be at the discretion of the credit operations team.


Hope this helps 😀

