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$150 Amazon Gift Card in 30 days, 6/7/8/11wks???

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3


I've signup for Fido internet on Sept 6 during a promo with $150 amazon gift. Initially the gift card was supossed to arrive in 30 days, upon follow up, I was told I should receive a link within 6 wks from registration. 6 wks card/link.

Called customer care on Oct 17, escalation ticket was created and was told in less than a week a link will be sent. Week passed on Oct card/link.

Chatted with support (via chat)  on Oct 24, agent advised that link will be sent by Oct 26 (Monday)...surprise, surprise still no card/link.

Today I spent 45 min on call, chatted with agent, agent advised me that I have to wait another 3wks....well done Fido!!!


Fido get your act together, I will cancel my account on Dec 8 if card/link is not im my mailbox in 4wks.

128 REPLIES 128

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

Sighed up for the gift card and haven't recieveeck my gift card

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

I'm really frustrated on how l have been going back and forth between Fido support and Amazon support to get this gift card. It's been over 6 weeks and all that Amazon has to say is to keep checking my inbox. I don't think I'm ever going to receive it. I don't get any response if I follow up with them. Why would you promise something if you can't actually give it

Hey @allyntonia17


We moved your post here as it relates to this thread. I'm sorry to see you're experiencing these kinds of delays. I am going to send you a PM so we can take a closer look into this together! 🙂

Former Moderator
Former Moderator

Awesome! We're happy to read that @vladb

Hey @vladb !


Have you received the email to register for the gift card, or not at all?

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

Yes I have, Thank you!

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

First up, the Fido advertisement for the gift card reads "30 days after installation you will receive gift card" which is WRONG! It should clearly say "6 weeks" which is what agents keep telling me. It has now been close to 11 weeks(!!) and I have NOT received anything! Everytime I chat with customer service, a conveniet 3~4 week margin is added to my wait time saying "we are assuring you this is escalated" with no results. I have been a fido customer since 2015, but this is my first home internet plan and the false advertisment is very very diasppointing. I am wasting time over these chats and only being given the roundabout. Is there anyone in the community who has actually received said card?

And before any Fido rep replies with standard questions - yes my email adress is provided, yes I have checked my spam folder!I wanted the card in time to help with some financials planned and as a student it is hard to be a victim of such false/delayed advertising 😠😢🙄. I am half thinking to cancel the plan and go with something else that doesn't include false advertisement!

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

Update to this post and to everyone else who is facing issues. I used the Fido Facebook chat option to reach out to the customer support team and they resolved my issue in a week's time. I now have my gift card and the team, especially a rep called Claudia, worked to resolve my concerns. My faith has been restored in the prompt Fido customer service that I was used to. So to other people still waiting, it is annoying to wait, I get it, but I am sure your issues would also get resolved 🙂

Hey @ssachdeva5 and @Anupama! We're thrilled to you received your gift cards. Smiley


Thanks for sharing and enjoy!

Hey @Anupama


We wouldn't want to see you go. When we escalate the gift card promo is escalated, it takes a few weeks for the email to be sent. I can assure you we're doing our best to get the gift card registration emails sent as quickly as possible.

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

Thanks for your reply. You do understand that the frustration is because the first time escalation didn't work and the second time on customer support there seemed to be no communication between front-end and back end support and that "escalation" has reuslted in 10 weeks wait time. I have been patient, but I will not stand for an opaque customer service. If there is no definite time frame for the gift card, I am happy to receive the same amount of credit on my phone or internet bill if that can be done sooner. The timeliness of the gift card was an issue because of how I planned to use it and if it doesn't come soon, it is useless to me. Hope this seems fair!

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

I signed up as a new customer for Fido Internet over the phone and installed the service on Sept. 9. The agent said I will receive a $150 Amazon gift card within 6 weeks after installation. I have yet to receive a registration e-mail or gift card. I checked my junk mail folder everyday and nothing has been received. I contacted Fido several times over the past several weeks and my request keeps getting escalated and I keep being told I should hear back from someone in x number of days or keep checking my e-mail and then wait 1-2 weeks and of course nothing materializes. I have spoken to a 'manager' who escalated my issue to the office of the president and told I should hear back from them within 2-3 days. Guess what? That didn't happen either. More chat sessions and wasting time explaining the situation all over again. Waiting 5 minutes between responses in chat and no responses. Is this what we call fast and efficient customer service? I am hoping a Fido employee can please PM me and provide me a timely resolution to this issue as I have given you several opportunities to make it right. Thank you!



Community Manager (Retired)
Community Manager (Retired)

Hey @digitalchannel,


I moved your post to this thread as you'll be able to find more detailed information about the gift card here. 


With this being said, we're truly sorry about the troubles you've had receiving the gift as well as the delays, I assure you that we're doing everything that we can to have the email registrations sent out as fast as possible. 


We're a bit busier these days, therefore the delays for a call back from the Office of the President are a bit longer, but I guarantee you that someone will be in touch with you very soon to look into it with you further. Since this has already been escalated to them, the best thing is to wait for their call back. 



I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

Adding my experience to this forum too.


Signed up for the 150u Internet service AND 9GB wireless plan and was told I qualified for the $150 Amazon gift card offer and would receive it 30 days after activation of the Internet Service. No mention of how the gift card would be delivered or that I would have to "register" to receive it first. This is documented in the chat transcript with the Fido rep.


Still have not received the gift card nor the registration email.  I've checked my junk folder and no emails from Fido. 


From what I've read here and on other forums I shouldn't expect much help from customer support, but if that's changed I'd be happy to receive a PM to tell me when I can expect the receive the card. In the meantime I've bookmarked the link to the CCTS and will definitely file a complaint if I don't receive a timely, satisfactory response....

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

Hi @FidoPierre 


I'm the member who started this thread..


It has been 10 wks since my enrollment and I still can't find link to Amazon card in my spam folder:) Do I have to wait for another 4wks?:)
Please see what other Fido customer's are discussing on RFD;


It looks like the only way to get what was advertised by Fido is to complaint to CCTS (Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services).


Hey @Damian72, @Shoeman75, @Craigieb


That's definitely not the type of experience we want you to have. Rest assured we are doing our best to get everyone their gift cards out as quickly as possible as it's important to us that all our customers are able to take advantage of the promotions we offer.


That said, we'll be happy to look into your account with you.


To get started, simply reach out to us on the channel of your choice. Alternatively, we can send you a PM here if you prefer.


Let us know! 😃


Hey @Shoeman75


I can assure you that we care and try to resolve this as quickly as possible for everyone who has yet to receive the gift card.


It's totally understandable that you're disappointed by this delay, and we truly apologize for the inconvenience.


Feel free to reply to our last PM if you wish to discuss this further, so we can access your account and provide you with the latest updates. Smiley

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

Requested for you guys to PM me in one of the many threads regarding this ongoing issue. Please have someone reach out, have same issue as everyone here.. thanks 

A PM is headed your way, @PhaTCounT ! Smiley

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

Yes please PM me here.

Hi @Craigieb Very_Happy

I've sent you a PM! Talk soon.