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1000 free international minutes

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

I need a clarification about the 1000 international minutes. I know it I can make an outgoing call to the US and a limited number of other countries within the 1000 minutes allowance.

Clarification needed as in -

1) What countries are included for this plan? No way on fido site mention this list of countries.

2) Does the plan includes outgoing and incoming from other country.

    Say I were to call from a foreign country (USA or China) to Canada or to any country listed on this plan.

Thanks in advance. 



Senior MVP Senior MVP
Senior MVP

Hello Ranger,


  It's a good thing you're seeking clarification!


@ranger wrote:

 .... I know it I can make an outgoing call to the US...

  Unfortunately, I do not believe that to be true. As far as I remember, that particular promotional 1000 International minutes has never included calls to the US. As you are aware, though, those minutes are only to certain Countries. You can view the included Countries for the promotional add-on here. As mentioned in that other post, the list of included Countries can vary depending on when you received the promotion. As far as I am aware, the list of included Countries should have also been provided with the confirmation provided when you signed up for services or changes made. 


    It should also be noted that all calls using mobile services incur Airtime charges plus long-distance charges, if applicable. Those 1000 International minutes are only for the long-distance portion of calls. That is, airtime charges would still apply. If you have a plan with a limited number of airtime calling minutes, excess airtime usage would incur additional costs -- even though there may be available International minutes remaining. For example, if you had a plan with 500 Canada-wide minutes (airtime minutes), making 600 minutes of calls to Countries included in those 1000 International minutes would require an excess usage of 100 airtime minutes. Does your plan include a limited or unlimited number of Canada-wide minutes?


If you regularly make calls to Countries not included in that add-on, Fido also offers a Preferred International Rate add-on (see here under Calling).


@ranger wrote:

 ...2) Does the plan includes outgoing and incoming from other country.

    Say I were to call from a foreign country (USA or China) to Canada or to any country listed on this plan....

 If your plan includes Canada-wide calling, incoming calls (from anywhere) are not charged long-distance when you are in Canada.


 If you use your services outside of Canada, that would be considered roaming usage. The Fido Roam charge will incur when your device uses Fido Services abroad. That is, the charge will incur when you make/receive calls, send text messages or use data outside of Canada. All calls and messages to Canadian numbers and those to numbers within the destination you are visiting are deducted from your regular allotment. Calls to other destinations would be charged as if you are making them from Canada. So, calls to other destinations would incur long-distance charges (in addition to Fido Roam daily charge). The 1000 International minutes promotion (and other calling add-ons) would apply to the calls made to the included Countries.


  You should also note that this forum is community-driven and not intended as a venue for customer services. You might consider verifying those details with customer service. In addition, they can also be contacted via Live Chat, Facebook, or Twitter. Those methods can be accessed via the contact page posted above.


Hope this helps 😀



I'm a contributor level 1
I'm a contributor level 1

I also would like to know which countries are included? Also so that means I can call and not be charged as long as it isn't more than 1000 minutes?

Hello Zehlek1,


  I replied to Ranger's post above. You can view the include Countries in the link provided in that post.


@Zehlek1 wrote:

 ....Also so that means I can call and not be charged as long as it isn't more than 1000 minutes?

  It depends on the details of your plan. As mentioned in my other post, those 1000 International minutes are only for the long-distance portion of calls made to one of the included Countries. If you have a limited number of anytime minutes (aka Canada-wide minutes), you could incur additional charges if you exceed those anytime minutes. If your plan includes Unlimited Canada-wide calling, you should not incur additional charges if you do not exceed the 1000 minutes to the included Countries.


  As also mentioned above, usage outside of Canda would incur roaming charges.


Hope this helps 😀

