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Instagram issues

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1



For the longest time Instagram has been having issues with my Fido internet, both on my phone (Pixel 3 and all my friends Apple phones) and on my MacBook Pro. The issue is that not everything loads and videos stop, refresh then try to continue to play. I've done some research and found that many people think its a IPv6 issue, I've disabled it and still the issue. 


Your help is greatly appreciated to solve this issue





Former Moderator
Former Moderator

Hey @MT85 and @backersteven!

We're taking a look at some things on our end regarding this and we'll be in touch Smiley


In the meantime, you can also check with our tech support at 1-888-259-3436.



Hey again @MT85 and @backersteven!


We had our tech support look into this and you'll have to call them so they can look into this further Smiley 

Former Moderator
Former Moderator

Hello @backersteven,


That's definitely odd! To ensure that we get to the bottom of this for you, can you share all the steps you took to try to revolve the issue? 


For example, did you reboot your modem afterwards?

Since when did you notice that this situation occurred? Was it always like this?  

Did you contact our technical support to review the situation with them? If so, what was the verdict?


Keep the Community posted! Smiley 

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

For almost 2 weeks my instagram is not loading with Fido WiFi. When I connect to other WiFi it works. I have tried to restart the modem, uninstall and install app again but nothing seems solving the issue! Does anyone have the same issue ... is there a way to solve it????