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Double billed after internet migrating to Rogers

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

After migrating my internet from Fido to Rogers, I am being billed by both by Fido and Rogers for the mid-April to mid-May period.

Is anyone familiar with this problem?


I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

I hope you get the problems resolve asap. I did my migrating last Ausgust and double for 3 months and numerous call and online chats for 6 months and still haven't got my refund today. I send back the modem and call to confirm if they receive. Fido confirm that they have received the modem, after a month they billed me $250 for the modem because they couldn't locate the modem. They told me to wait for their investigation and it took them 6 months to locate my modem and finally decided to give me back my credit and overcharged fees.  Still haven't receive my refund cheque yet as of today. Hope you have a better luck than I am not having to wait for a year to get back the refund. 

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

Exact same thing happened to me. I migrated to Rogers since they cancelled FidoHIS. After I activated the Rogers modem, I called Fido to ensure my account was 100% cancelled. They said they couldn't help me with anything on my account because it's "greyed" out, yet still active. So they've flagged it to ensure it gets cancelled at some point...???? THEN I received a phone call from a Fido representative two weeks later telling me I'd probably get a bill for the next month but to "stay calm, ignore it, the charges will be reversed/reimbursed,"... What!?

Anyways. I've received two bills since then -- make sure you remove *any* payment information associated with your Fido account! I had automatic payments set up with Fido--but seeing as you can't even email these people to get anything resolved (can't have a paper trail of their incompetence!), I immediately removed my credit card information. And after reading about @Onang 's awful experience - I am very happy I did! 


*edited: grammar

Hey @Onang , @leener1010, @dxo144 & @Catsee ! Smiley 

We can assure you that the last thing we want is to create frustration for our customers.

The process to switch from Fido to Rogers or to cancel your Fido account should be simple and hassle free. Customers normally receive a refund (in the case of overpayment for their cancelled service) 6 weeks after the final invoice is issued.

Please do call our Home Internet migration squad at 1-877-331-9209 if you still need help with the process of your Fido Home Internet cancellation or migration and they'll be glad to look into this with you.

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

Hi @FidoValerie , I understand that the policy that customers recieve a refund 6 weeks after the final invoice is issued is the norm-- but why not acknowledge this mishap on FIDO's side, and get ahead of the problem by encouraging your ex-customers to delete their payment information before they are billed for services they cancelled/did not use? Especially since one of your agents proactively called me to tell me it was likely to happen that I would be charged after my account was cancelled... yet she didn't have the foresight or training to encourage me to delete my payment information so an automatic payment couldn't happen. It really seems like ripe pickings to bring to the attention of CRTC...


We do appreciate tyour feedback and I'm really really sorry for the inconvenience this brought you. It will be important to get in contact with our Migration team to get this looked into as soon as possible. 



I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

Hi leener1010, The first thing I did after migrating was to cancel my automatic payment info on Fido. See my reply to Onang.

Hi @dxo144 , sorry to hear that. You will have to reach out to fido regarding the issue you're having. As we're not a customer service venue (community forum) we cannot answer questions regarding your account. Here's  the link for home internet support. I hope you get a resolution quickly. 

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

I know that this is a community forum and not Fido. I was asking, if anyone was familiar with the problem and not to have it resolved.

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

I can relate. The time I got the notification email from Fido, i called them right away and a lady assisted me, was guaranteed all was good to go. I was already billed by Rogers right away and I paid. Next thing i know, i got billed by Fido while I'm no longer using the service. So I called, person who helped me said he will request to reimburse me. I asked if that can be put towards my future Rogers account instead but said he can't, and I will be sent a cheque. Few weeks after, while waiting for the chq,  i got another bill from Fido, still incorrect, showing I have to pay something and worse, got charged for late payment.  2nd time I called, i spoke with a nice lady frim Rogers, she said she'll add notes on the previous request that I shouldn't be charged at all and must get reimbursed. She sounded so reassuring and I trusted all will be fine from there.  Bo cheque came, but a notification of another fido bill, again, showing i owe them something and again, charged late payment. These are all happening while I have been paying the Rogers bill.  Oh, i forgot to mention, I already sent fido back their modem.   And now I have to call fido again for the recent bill...  is all of this worth customer's time???

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

Hi Onang, Your statement "And now I have to call fido again for the recent bill... is all of this worth customer's time???". Rogers/Fido is doing it intentionly to frustrate us until we give up and pay them to leave us alone. I will continue to call them until they straighten this out.