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I'm a contributor level 1
I'm a contributor level 1

I keep seeing these critical error entries on my docsys event logs and unsure what they are??


Former Moderator
Former Moderator

Hey there @anasmlk93,


Is this affecting your services in any way? Are you experiencing service disruption or no connection to the service altogether?


Let us know. Our home internet technical support team is also available 24/7 if you need help troubleshooting your home internet service.

I'm a contributor level 1
I'm a contributor level 1

@FidoSaad the internet service keeps getting disrupted because of this, and i am unsure as to what the problem is..

Thanks for the update @anasmlk93


We checked this out on our end and these errors can happen when the modem does routine checks on the connection. It shouldn't impact your service though.


How often do you notice that your service cuts out? 



I'm a contributor level 1
I'm a contributor level 1

My service keeps getting suspended, the reason being that there's a device that has malware on it and is interfering with Fido's modem. I have had McAfee, Kaspersky, windows defender and Avast all look at the issue even ran boot scans, but nothing is showing up.. very confused at this moment.

Hey @anasmlk93


Can you provide us more information about the service being suspended? Is this something that was confirmed by someone at our Fido Home Internet Technical support?

I'm a contributor level 1
I'm a contributor level 1

Yes I called in 18882593436

And the tech support team said that it has been suspended


Did they offer any solutions @anasmlk93? This really would have to be handled by them.

@Community, has anyone else ever experienced this and can provide some insight?



I'm a contributor level 1
I'm a contributor level 1

No their reply was because it's on one of my devices, they can't give me any more info except the name of the virus, which I had removed, also had McAfee tech look into the systems and found nothing, and now my service has been suspended for a week, and now I have decided to change the provider. @FidoNick 

Thank you for the additional information @anasmlk93!

Did you receive the notice prior to this happening that you had a virus that would impact your services?


We do send one out, and it also does mention what the specific virus it is that you have. As this can impact our network, we do sometimes have to disable services if it's not taken care of.


That said, you did mention you did everything you could to rectify things. If you're unable to remove it on your own though we do suggest taking in your device to get checked at a location such as Best Buy as their Geek Squad can assist Smiley 



I'm a contributor level 1
I'm a contributor level 1

Well yes , I got a notification and I did everything that was possible to look into all this, but nothing worked. Suspended internet for a week has really affected me and my life in the last 2 days, and nothing they can do to remove the suspension so I can atleast reach out to best buy

Hey @anasmlk93!


We suggest that you contact Tech Support department once again for further assistance regarding the suspension. 


Let the community know what happens. Smiley

I'm a contributor level 1
I'm a contributor level 1

yes I am. the service keeps getting disconnected.