February 2024
I am writing to express my disappointment and frustration regarding a recent interaction with your customer service and a specific billing issue that was not resolved to my satisfaction. As a loyal ROGERS and FIDO customer of 5 years with a consistent payment history and no issues, I find myself in a difficult position that I believe warrants further attention.
On January 18th, I accidentally made an international call to my home country, which resulted in a charge of $137.50 on my account. This was a genuine mistake—I intended to use WhatsApp for an IP call, a service that usually incurs no cost, but mistakenly dialed directly through my phone's contact list. This single incident has significantly impacted my billing, raising my usual charge from around $100 to an unprecedented $271.76.
During my chat with a customer service representative named David today (Feb 22nd 11:33AM), I explained the situation and requested any form of consideration, such as a refund or account credit, to alleviate the unexpected financial burden this charge has caused. Despite my willingness to engage in solutions, including signing up for new deals or offers presented 2 times during the conversation, I was told that nothing could be done about this charge.
I understand and respect company policies regarding valid charges. However, I am deeply saddened by the lack of flexibility or understanding of the circumstances surrounding this accidental call.
This experience has led me to reconsider my relationship with FIDO. Before making any decisions, I wanted to reach out to share my experience and express my hope that there might be a way to address this situation that reflects the value the company places on customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Thank you for taking the time to read my message. I am looking forward to your response!
Best regards,
Solved! Go to Solution.
Thanks for the reply. However, I’m reaching out here after getting nowhere with customer support over an unexpected financial burden this charge has imposed from a call I never intended to make through cellular.
My frustration stems from the lack of action on your part, despite my long-standing loyalty over the past 5 years, during which I've never missed a single payment. I would’ve hoped for a bit of understanding or consideration given my loyalty.
I'm well aware this is a community forum, but I'm here precisely because customer support did nothing to address my issue. I understand it was a call, but this was a mistake, and such a thing has never happened before with me as a customer.
I was really hoping for solution for this accident before I start looking for a carrier that might appreciate the value of a long-term, reliable customer a bit more.
February 2024
Hello Ccmsd18,
Welcome to the community!
Sorry to hear you've incurred an unintentional long-distance charge. I do understand it might have been an honest mistake. Regrettably, if the call was actually made using celluar minutes, I'm not sure what can be done.
I understand you had intended on using WhatsApp for the call. You should note that WhatsApp appears to have a bug which may place calls as cellular minute if it deems the internet connection to be insufficient (see here). You might consider enabling Airplane or Flight mode and manually enabling Wifi prior to making the call(s). Doing so should prevent the app from switching to mobile minutes if the Wifi internet connection is not sufficient. However, it also means that you wouldn't be able to make WhatsApp calls using a mobile data connection.
You should note these forums are community-driven and not intended as a venue for customer services. If you would like to further discuss those charges, you would need to re-contact customer service. In addition, they can also be contacted via Live Chat, Facebook, or Twitter. Those methods can be accessed via the contact page posted above.
In the mean time, I understand this is a difficult time and receiving such a bill even more distressing. If you're unable to make full payment on the bill, you might consider trying to arrange a payment schedule. To make an arrangement, you'll need to contact the credit operations department. It should also be mentioned that any arrangement would be at the discretion of the credit operations team.
Hope this helps 😀