February 2024
Fido is a thief!!! You're stealing money from us !!! There were false charges on my bill until I found out and contacted customer support!!! 83$ from my account!!! Month to month from 2023 March under the name of international calling which I never did and even when my cellular data was off and I was using house wifi to call on what's app and other apps like that !!! So why we pay for wifi why we pay for data !!!! We pay to use internet data to use these apps !!! They charged me month to month again and again and when I found out that something is wrong they stopped charging but they don't want to give that 83$ that they charged me falsely back !!!! Fido is the worst company worst in every service and if I didn't have a plan for my phone !!!! I would switch to another company exactly the time that I found out that they are stealing my money!!! Now they said case closed and you did call internationally what the heck !!!!!!!!!!!! Liers thieves worst company
February 2024
Hello Mahiii00,
Welcome to the community!
Sorry to hear you've incurred unexpected long-distance charges. Unfortunately however, I think your phone might have actually made those long-distance calls.
I understand you have been using WhatsApp using Wifi. However, the issue appears to result from a not widely known operation of the app. While it's not mentioned on their website, it appears as though the app will automatically switch to using mobile airtime minutes (within the app) if it deems the internet connection is insufficient for voice calls (see here). It happens across multiple providers (see here, here and here... etc). It should also be mentioned that other messaging apps may also behave in a similar manner.
From one of those links provide above:
Phone companies cannot divert calls from within apps to cellular calls. They have no control over how apps work. The mobile providers do not decide which calls go over their networks or how they transmit. That determination is made entirely by the phone. With an adequate internet connection, WhatsApp calls are usually sent via the internet. On the other hand, if the internet connection is not sufficient, WhatsApp apparently switches to mobile airtime minutes. The mobile providers merely connect calls which the phone request to be made. If WhatsApp makes a call using data, the providers will transmit data; if WhatsApp makes the call using mobile airtime minutes, the providers will transmit it as a call over the cellular networks. Unfortunately, in your case, it appears as though WhatsApp made the call over the cellular networks.
Unfortunately, WhatsApp appeared to deem the internet connection unsuitable for those particular calls and switched to mobile minutes. One suggestion to prevent the switch in the future would be to enable Airplane or Flight mode and manually enabling Wifi prior to making the call(s). Doing so should prevent the app from switching to mobile minutes if the Wifi internet connection is not sufficient. However, it also means that you wouldn't be able to make WhatsApp calls using a mobile data connection.
You should note these forums are community-driven and not intended as a venue for customer services. If you would like to further discuss those charges, you would need to re-contact customer service. In addition, they can also be contacted via Live Chat, Facebook, or Twitter. Those methods can be accessed via the contact page posted above.
Hope this helps 😀