Hey Fido Community,
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we’re offering Fido customers something very different in Fido XTRA.
Every Thursday we launch new perks in Fido XTRA, such as a free coffee, a discount on apparel or chances to win cool contest prizes like headphones or gift cards.
However this week, we’re asking YOU and all Fido customers to choose which of 3 amazing foundations you’d like Fido to donate to.
YOU CHOOSE – FIDO DONATES ! Fido customers can simply open the Fido app, tap on the Fido XTRA banner, and choose one of these three amazing causes:
Fido has committed to donating $30,000 in total as follows:
$24,000 will be shared among the 3 organizations, based proportionally to customers’ choices, plus a basic donation of $2,000 to each of them.
Note: Absolutely no charges will be added to your Fido bill after you choose any one of the 3 causes. Fido is making the donations.
You can submit your choice until October 16, 2019 at 11:59p.m. ET. One (1) participation per person, per day.
Here’s a quick link to this offer in Fido XTRA, if you’re on mobile (won’t work on desktop).
Well what are you waiting for? Go choose!
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