December 2019
How come every time I enter one of Fido XTRA's "Contests" I never ever win anything, I never come even close, despite avid draw entering on my behalf? But what I do get, what I do notice, is every time I enter a draw/contest via my Fido app, I immediately start to get calls from random scam/fraud numbers.
I don't feel safe anymore to enter a Fido XTRA contest, I think they're fake and some sort of way to give out our client information, just like other contests we may enter in life that no one seems to win but all of our information ends up collected and into the wrong hands.
I've won a 200 dining card which I enjoyed
September 2023
If there was winners they would lost on various social media about winning. I don't see any happy winners online
September 2023
Hi @Momo604 , did you look at the winners page? All the winners are posted on the community forum
November 2022
First, anyone that's posted something critical, on this post this is for you.
Here is a throw away email, I would love to hear from you, please let me know your exact user name when you contact me. I'm saving this page for reference. I will only respond to messages that I see are from those people, as of today. You will be asked if you are approaching me on behalf of Fido, or any one representing Fido, so I recommend they don't try anything not on the level, ok?
This is ONLY acceptable for Fido Community Members who are also Customers, and NOT employees. If you are one of these, I am also copying and sending this to you, as a personal message. This is because Fido has deleted my posts, and I hope, they aren't the types to also delete my messages.
That's an interesting comment, that 'What you find interesting is likely a form of volunteer selection bias. Your assumption seems to be that since no actual winners have replied in this thread, then they aren't real. However actual winners don't generally go out searching forums or social media to complain that they haven't won anything. The vast majority of people posting in a thread referring to Does anyone actually win or is it just a SCAM would be those who haven't won anything. Those who have won a contest would know it's legitimate and feel no need to search out the forums (or other venues).' - Sounds like someone is using their university courses in business, possibly psychology , while working here too. I really hope someone isn't just trying to give some spin, and seed some doubt.
That said, you're responses aren't helping.
I'm out of this delightful place, however, anyone that is concerned with the contests, I have the following email. I would very much like to hear from you, as Fido announces new contests, and how they address any concerns.
I've downloaded A LOT of the rules, even. I will be providing these copies, and ask critical questions of them. Here? No, I'm done. This 'Community' has a lot of double standards, and a lot of other nonsense. I would like you, the users I have mentioned, and messaged, to keep me in the loop, if there is a new contest, or if these people decide to wake up, and provide good customer service in this portal. I have the lists of winners for the contests, and would like you to send me the lists of other winners, as they are announced. Feel free to include anything else that is odd, or questionable.
Example of Rules being problematic:One free phone contest said you'd be disqualified if you sold the phone, that was an open ended rule, I guess you gotta hold onto that sucker until you die? Not a contest I want to win, Fido, you get a pass on that one. -> This is why I kept copies of the rules, they are concerning.
Like, 'volunteer selection bias' are you kidding me? That's a term that ONLY applies to academic research, how does it apply to your contests? Someone wanted to sound smart, huh? Awkward.
Let me be clear, that term would only apply to those who DON'T enter the contest, and that there is a key difference between those that enter, and those who CHOOSE not to.. Ahahahaha!
That said, take care, and GREAT luck, because good luck may not cut it here.
February 2023
TL;DR: Complainers are attracted to user forums and do not represent the general population
November 2022
Hello Lindkr,
Well, that's the problem when people don't actually understand the information they just found on the internet. That's what's akward.
I said it was a form of volunteer selection bias. Who said it can ONLY apply to academic research??? That's just short-minded.
From the definition you posted: misrepresentation or underrepresentation of your population of interest...
Population of interest: People who entered Fido contests.
Misrepresented population: those who have not won a contest because they tend to be more willing to volunteer their distain in a thread about not winning.
Underrepresented population: those who have won a contest because they don't feel the need to search out a a thread about not winning
If you went to a Ribfest in a city and asked how many people attending were vegetarians, chances are there would be very few. You can't then say that no one in that city are vegetarians simply because of low polling numbers. Ribfest would not be an event vegetarians would choose to attend so they would be underrepresented at that event. That's selection bias and nothing to do with academic research.
It's the same with any polls. People who choose to answer a poll are a very different population from those who do not choose answer. As such, they will be misrepresented in said poll. Again, selection bias and again, not necessarily anything to do with academic research.
For the last time... I don't work for Fido.
November 2022
Really, hmm, given all the varying information and answers, I'm doubtful until proven otherwise. You know, just giving a response to shut someone down can be considered a form of gaslighting, so while you are talking down to us, it might also be a means to shut people down. I would be shocked if that was the intent of a 'community member'.
Say, they really know how to sweeten the pot, don't they? All those free perks. Lucky you. Any one want to unthrone @Cawtau? Bon chance, if you want the sweet perks.
Also, all of your communications seem to be fairly standardized, you start with 'Welcome to the community! ' and always seem to end with 'Hope this helps 😀 Cheers', and you've had 13 accepted resolutions within the last month. You've had 1,500 solutions, and your're just doing this because you're awesome, and you like free perks? And you've done it since 2015? Such dedication for a non employee.
Such a busy little bee tonight too, like you want to be in all the recent interactions. Hmmmm.
It's interesting to note, the only people I've seen say 'Welcome to the Community' have been staff, and the MVPs., like your required to do this. Is that how that works, you need to always be some on brand cheerleader for the company? Also, I like how all the rules are such, if you are an MVP, and decide to not be on brand for one interaction, they may remove you.
Oh, I see here you are listed as being one of the best solvers of ALL TIME. And look at you go, all the replies tonight, and they are only giving you a free plan, and $200 towards a new phone (just once for the $).
I mean, why hire people when we can have just more MVPs, MVPs like you?
Also, why did the names from Julys 2022 Free Year of Service get changed after I saved a copy, huh? Why did that happen without anyone saying a word to the Community?
I still have the screen grabs with the DUPLICATE names. AWKWARD.
So keep telling people how it really is.
Ta Ta.
November 2022
Hello again,
Trying to shut you down?? No, that was not the intent.
@Lindkr wrote:
....Sounds like someone is using their university courses in business, possibly psychology , while working here too. I really hope someone isn't just trying to give some spin, and seed some doubt....
However, I deserve the right to defend my earlier comments. You clearly did not understand what you found.
Why can't a community member want to try to generate a sense of community? There is nothing wrong with trying to be cordial. So yes, I do try to welcome new members. And yes, I do like to reply to posts because some of us actually like trying to help people. I think trying to help people is a far better use of time than trolling to complaining in a forum. Oh, was that a put-down?
For the record, I was doing this long before any perk program started so that has never been nor ever will be my incentive for being a part of the community.
I have no clue why that list of names changed. Maybe the previous posting was a mistake??
I also have no clue about any notifications you might have received when I replied. I DON'T WORK FOR FIDO, remember????
November 2022
Oh, there is that double standard again: you seem to have all the answers here, but suddenly, when convient for you, you remind us again you don't work for Fido.
I do love the commitment to this ongoing double standards.
here's the screen grab I just got: apparently the best, and most well constructed community sites tell you when you've commented to your own post. So innovative, you should really get the advertising guys to run a commercial on how ahead for it time, this place is.
you don't need to tell me again that you don't work for Fido, I get that is your positioning, however, I'm not sold on its accuracy as of this time.
November 2022
Yes, @Cawtau if that's what you say.
So where do you work, exactly? See, it's easy to shut someone down by saying 'no, I don't work there.' But you're doing it at 3am because you care? Seems legit.
oh, and people like you just wander around, spewing about community, with the oh so positive vibe that you have on anything that loosely relates to community, like this 'community' forum, that has no purpose but to build 'community'?
November 2022
Hello again,
I am not going to get baited into sharing personal details about myself with some troll in the community. I do not have to prove anything to you. I'm sure you'll use that as some sort of proof that I do, though 🙄 I don't care if you think that's legit or not.
For someone who delved into the minutia of these forums, you sure muddled things up.
~taken from here.
~taken from here.
Your own ramblings proved I can't actually work for Fido. If I did, I wouldn't even be eligible to receive the perks you so jealously shared in your post.
I never claimed to know everything. I reply to the posts I have information on and do not to those I don't have any knowledge about. That's not a double-standard.
It's clear you're not interested in being a part of the community, but rather are only here to stir things up.
I'm done wasting my time replying to your posts.
November 2022
I think a breather is needed here. Nothing is being acheived besides a strong level of defensiveness from both sides. The argument has turned into one of semantics and has little to do with the problem at hand.
The problem is that currently Fido is not definitively providing winners to the contests. Yes, they are providing a community winners page. No, they are not showing the winners. A first name and inital of the last name is not a winner that can be proven.
Taking this issue out of the Fido forum removes Fido, the only entity that can prove the integrity of these winners, from the discussion.
Pointing to the community winners page is not a solution. The community winners page does not show "proven" winners.
What Fido needs to address is the weakness they have in their accountability of the Fido contests. And like anyone they should see this weakness as an opportunity. I don't like putting forwrad problems without solutions. One idea would be to have a formal address for winners of the larger prizes. This is a great marketing opportunity.
Either way I don't believe that this problem can be solved by anyone who doesn't work at Fido. And in the end they may choose to just ignore it, and at that point tough luck. Hard drink to swallow but you have no other choice. Better to put your efforts and mind elsewhere.
November 2022
Hello Gracken,
Welcome to the community!
I agree, that other discussion was pointless...
I'm not claiming Fido's contests are run without issue. I do understand people want to know who have won those contests. However, Fido has a responsibility to not share the private information of their customers (contest entrants are their customers, afterall). I certainly would not want my personal details available on the internet if I happened to win a contest. They have a responsibility to safeguard our data.
I understand that a list of names might not be satisfactory to some people. For some, nothing short of them actually winning a contest will be sufficient proof. Some community members who have won have independently posted that they have won certain contests. Those posts seem to get brushed off and never acknowledged in threads like these.
I also understand that anyone who chooses to enter a lottery forgoes their privacy. Should those who choose to enter contests also have to give up their privacy? Again, it's not the same as a entering a lottery. Fido contest entrants are also their customers. Sharing customers' personal information is usually thought to be a breach of privacy.
I don't know if there is a satisfactory solution to appease everyone.
November 2022
Given the large amount of online bloggers with the viewpoint that Fido contests might be a scam you would think Fido would do more with their community page that could assuage people's opinions. For instance they could list a person's full name, rather than an ubiqutious first name and initial, and this would stop all these questions.
Also it is well known within the industry that online contests are great breeding grounds for company fraud. The standards for administration of these contests are far below those of other areas of a business, even company credit cards. Unfortuantely online contests usually fly under the radar for executives cause the bottom line doesn't impact their ability to state that their financial statements are true and fair. Again stating the full winner would stop these questions.
In saying all this, I did win some lollies when I first signed up in 2020 (literally the first time I played). But believe that Fido could do more to alleviate the public's concern.
July 2022
I personally don't think they are scams...but the chances of winning are it seems 1 in 2 million's like they make it even we have a god chance of winning when in fact those chances are extremely unlikely....I really don't see the point of these contests.....I guess it's a "feel good" thing lol
November 2022
Sorry I meant "good chance" not "god chance" lol
July 2022
It is total scam, one of my friends working in Rogers told me that never enter in anything, its all fake and they do it for saving some amount of tax.
July 2022
Hey @MarkMun , it definitely is not a scam. If you look at the community page there are links to the winners names by month and prize. Just because you haven't won yet, doesn't mean that others aren't winning 😉 Check out the winners list on this site and also in the Fido app. Good luck and you can't win if you're not in. Cheers
April 2022
They are absolutely not fake. I am not a fido affiliate nor a moderator.
I won multiple contests including the recent Sonos. Have actually received it and love it everyday
Best of luck to all
March 2022
Kind of interesting how the only people who are saying otherwise are Fido moderators 🤔 I've been entering these contests almost every day for years and never got anything. Either it's a sham, or they have so few winners that it's not even worth the 2 seconds it takes to enter the contests.