October 2016
I had this problem of not being able to sign in(or out) of fido.ca because I block third party cookie access and nobody was able to help me(they did try). So long story short, you need to add these to the exceptions:
Note: I did this in chrome, with other browsers you might have to adapt this
The first is the Hostname([*.]rogers.com) and the second(https://[*.]rogers-fido.janrainsso.com:443) Handles the sign in.
I hope this helps someone.
June 2017
Thanks for this...
I wasn't able to get this method to work on Firefox, because Firefox doesn't allow wildcards in the cookies exception list.
I hope Fido would make a change in their website. No respectful company that I know requires third-party cookies to login.
October 2016
Thanks for sharing @InfinityYUL! Much appreciated.