February 2014
I was texting someone with what'sapp and then suddenly it stopped working. Not a single application can go on internet.
I can with Wifi, but can't with 3G.
Anyone ever experienced something like that? (not after update, not after a new SIM card, no modifications)
I mean, just .... like that, bang. stopped... ?!
during the time I took to log and search on internet, talk to a nice Fido representative, try every commands, open a new topic, etc, I realize that it's back after... 20-30 mins. Anyway.... I will post it and if it's useless just delete it... I'm stunned. !!!
***Edited to add labels***
February 2014
Sounds like a software glitch to me. Happens time to time with all electronics, next time just turn off your iphone (shut off, no sleep) wait a few seconds and reboot.