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Not able to make calls when inside my house as there it's only one bar in s

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

Not able to make calls due to No or very poor signal inside my condo. 

I had recently started to working from home and I'm not able to make calls from inside the house. The only place I can make calls is near the window and that too the person in the other end always complains of not being able to hear me properly. This is very frustrating. 


I'm qualified level 1
I'm qualified level 1

Hi @hareshchandran1,


Welcome, to the Fido community!


I understand you recently started working from home and notice you have poor to no signal in your condo, was this something that has always been happening? It could be that your building structure is blocking the signal.


Depending on the phone you have you might want to look into using WiFi calling feature, you can learn more about that feature here.