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LG 3 phone, voice dissapers

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

Hello, Does anyone knows why when I talk on my LG3 phone, the other party on the other side can't hear me very well. It sounds like I'm very far. Then it clears by itself and in a few minutes it can happen again. Not all the time, but it happens. But when I use speaker mode, everything is fine and I dont have any issues.  Thanks



***Edited to add labels***


Former Moderator
Former Moderator

Hi alex61 & welcome to the Community!


Have you tried testing your SIM card in a different phone to see if the same thing happens? By doing so, we'd be able to determine whether the cause is the phone or the network.


Let me know. Smiley



I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

Same happens with me. My sim card is my old one that was in my Nexus (had for only one year). Calls worked fine in my Nexus but not now.

Is it the phone?

How can I test?

It seems to happen no matter where I am or who calls


Hi @AngelaRankin


Which Nexus phone do you have and does it work if you put it on speaker phone or use a bluetooth?

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2


   I actually don't have my Nexus anymore. I had it for 13 months. It worked great. Phone calls were clear. But the motherboard went suddenly so opted to get new LG3 phone than get Nexus replaced. But I used the sim card from the Nexus in my LG3 (they are compatible and Best Buy employee said that I could just use it). Now calls are unclear.....hence why I believe it is the phone.


Check the hole where the mic is make sure it doesn't have dirt in it, you can use a can of compressed air to clean it or you can use a needle tip and gently clean the hole.