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FidoTrade my iphone online with purchasing a phone!

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

I have two questions:

1- Is it possible to trade in my iPhone 11 through the Fido website without having to purchase a new phone?

2- My girlfriend upgraded her plan and got a new phone at the same time, in a non-Fido store (paying $30 per month for the phone through Fido program). Now she wants to trade in her Samsung S20 through the online Fido plan. We are wondering if she will still be able to get a bill credit by tradeing in her phone online.





Hey @naser2j,


1. The FidoTrade option is only available to those that upgrade their device or activate a new line!


2. You would only be able to use the FidoTrade option when you upgrade your device at the same time. Since your girlfriend has already upgraded her device, she won't be able to trade it in.


You can read here for more info!