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Blackberry internet usage

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

I've had blackberry internet for 3 months now. I didn't had any problems with my data usage for the first 2 months and now it seems that I'm consuming data even if I'm not using the internet. I turn off the bb data if i'm not using it and i even restore my bb, hence i have no more apps on my bb but it's still consuming data. how is that possible? i don't want to pay extra for data usage when i'm not even using my internet. i called *28 and the customer service wasn't any of help at all. any help?



***Edited to add labels***


Former Moderator
Former Moderator
Hey manilenia!

When you say that your Blackberry keeps on using data even when it is not accessed by you, over what period does the usage occur? How many days has it been since you stopped using data? Did you turn off Mobile Data within the Manage Connections section of the phone? How are you tracking the usage?

Please let me know.

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

I only use the internet for few minutes everyday. When I'm home i turn off the data and use wifi and there are days when I don't even use the internet on my blackberry but my data usage keeps going up. I restored my phone and hasn't downloaded anything that uses up internet. I'm pretty sure there's no other apps turned on in the background because I keep on checking. I monitor my data usage thru the website and sometimes I call *28. It's only been 3 days back it says I've already used up almost 10mb and I haven't even use my internet much.

Hey manilenia!

Please note that the usage details found on My Account or when calling *28 are not up to date, meaning they are not updated right away. It can take up to 24 hours or until the phone is fully rebooted before the usage is updated. Therefore, sometimes, even if you haven't used data during the day, the usage may go up because of the usage from the day before.

To avoid data usage, you need to make sure that data is turned Off within Manage Connection in your Blackberry. When it's off, the phone will be unable to connect to Fido for internet usage and will only be able to use WiFi, if it is On.