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standard plan - availavle only with data?

I'm helpful level 3
I'm helpful level 3

Hi fido

What is the difference between standard plan vs smart plan? Now you force all new user to get data plan. I could t found any unlimited talk voice plan. You can not force user to get data plan.


I'm helpful level 3
I'm helpful level 3
What about if user don't need phone only voice plan with more minutes then? Fido can not force anyone to get data because of customer need more minutes. How come CRTC allow to do this?????

I'm qualified level 3
I'm qualified level 3

I think you misunderstand the role of the CRTC, they are not involved in what is included in plans nor prices. CTRC makes rules based on potential loopholes on plans that can cause outragous high bills on your bill.


Fido offers plans on what they think their customers needs.  There is actually a plan offered by Fido for your needs, The $49 no zone restriction prepaid plan gives you unlimited minutes anytime and no data.


Fido doesn't have to provide a plan for EVERY customer needs. I personally want a 8GB DATA only prepaid plan for $26 a month like I had during my vacation in Hong Kong, but then Fido doesn't offer it and CRTC is not responsible to provide me with it. I could take my business elsewhere but none of the Canadian wireless provider provide what I need either. Seeing Fido offers the best data/price plans I decide to stick with them.



I'm an expert level 2
I'm an expert level 2
By adding data to the standard plans they have made them incompatible with any accounts that currently have a $30/6GB data option. One could look at it as a way to get rid of these legacy data options. If you want a newer plan then you must give up your 6GB data option. Alternatively, for a new voice plan you could opt for the only plan with out data, the $29 standard plan, but then you end up with very few minutes and because of the requirement for highend smart phone subsidies (iPhone) being $60 for voice plan and data together, you would be in eligible for those subsidies.