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Waiting for the call back...

I'm a participant level 1
I'm a participant level 1

I received a call from WinBack team 2 weeks ago and she explained me the plan thoroughly, as I was on a contract with the other provider and wanted to buy out a phone too, I requested to call me again after a few days which the agent did (really appreciate the effort behind that). However, the next time when we communicated, the plan that was discussed was not available for Ontario and it was known that it wasn't there for Ontario for the very first instance, this made me sad as I started off with the exit process with the other provider and now I'm stranded as I don't have any plans!


I'm still waiting for the agent to call me as we cannot call back to the Win-back team. 



Hey @DarshT,


Welcome to the community!


I'm sorry to learn that you've yet to receive a follow up from our Winback team. 

I suggest you get in touch with our customer care team so they can send a follow up request for you!