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I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

I have video calling long distance in my plan but don't know how much is included as it doesn't say. While calling says unlimited. How much do I have?


Former Moderator
Former Moderator

Hey @Stephn


Did you figure it out? Let us know! Smiley 

Senior MVP Senior MVP
Senior MVP

Hello Stephn,


  Welcome to the community!


  To which feature are you referring? I'm not aware of any plan specifying video calling per se. Are you referring to video messaging?


       UNLIMITED INTERNATIONAL text, picture, and video messaging


  If this is the feature to which you refer, the video messaging is not calling. It is sending a short video via multimedia messaging service (MMS).


  Alternatively, are you referring to voice over LTE (voLTE) video calling? If you have a compatible phone capable of voLTE, video calling would follow the same calling limits as your plan.


  If you're referring to a different feature, could you please specify list your plan details?


Hope this helps Smiley



I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2


 This is it.


Former Moderator
Former Moderator

Hey @Stephn!

What plan do you have?


Althought @Cawtau is correct, if you have a newer plan that feature would refer to Video Calling on the VoLTE network!


The service allows you to make Video calls with other users on the VoLTE network without using your data bucket. You must both have VoLTE enabled phones to do this.


More info here


Hope this helps!



Hello again,


  Thanks for the additional information!


  Do you have a grandfathered plan? As far as I am aware, that video calling refers to a legacy feature from the early days of 3G. Before LTE (4G) was developed, the 3G-324M protocol allowed for native video calling on the circuit-switched networks.


  While it might still be possible to make video calls using the protocol, most android and iOS phones do not support it. Rather, they have adopted internet or packet-switched options for video calling (Wifi or voLTE).


Hope this helps Smiley

