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Value Pack isn't what I expected

I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

I've got today the invoice and the ValuePack just got up from $7 to $10/month.

When I called this was explained by CSC but the site is no info, just Vicemessage add-on.

Can someone please let me know what's happening with Fido?

I feel rubbed by not advised previously and now simply I don't think I'll need the add-on.


Any reason to keep it? Please help, Gerry



Hello @4gerry


When it comes to change in prices, we alays send a bill communication to let customers know there's an upcoming price change.


To make sure we can continue to deliver the best possible experience to our customers, from time to time we review and adjust our plans to reflect ongoing investments in our network and our service.


If you have questions about your account, don't hesitate to contact us. You can find all the ways to reach us here.


I'm a participant level 3
I'm a participant level 3

Well, you're right, the communication was done BUT, as most of the customers easily ignored and that's what corporations expect. 

When I went online to find the ValuePack there is not listed, just the Voicemesage package for $7.

Currently, I've moved to this add-on, but the VM is not working.

My point is: why the charge since provides the same service.

Kenny, If you are answering the message, please use the human language not cut and pasted, corporate legal and compliant language.

Former Moderator
Former Moderator

Hey @4gerry!


We do want to resolve this for you!


Our current value packs are still $7 and we can switch you to one of those if you prefer. Alternatively there is the voicemail option as you mentioned.


Can you let us know what exactly is not working with the voicemail so we can see what can be done? You can also contact us for some in-depth troubleshooting or to switch over to a value pack.