June 2021
Hi I'm having issues with setting up voicemail. I previously had a monthly plan with Fido and switched to prepaid.
This person seems to be having a similar issue as I am. I'm going to the phone app, holding 1 to activate voicemail and it says "to retrieve voice messages, enter yout 10 digit fido phone followed by the pound key". I enter my phone number and pound but it says "Sorry, that number isn't vaild".
Please help me!
After much digging, I found the solution. If after following the instructions and it still says incorrect number after pressing your 10 digit number and the pound key, go to VIEW USAGE AND MANAGE > BROWSE ADD ONS > Add the "English Voicemail" addon for $0. Wait for a few hours and then try calling the voicemail number again. Now you can setup your voicemail and pin. It worked for me.
June 2021
Hu ZyraBot
I think you need to wait some days to correct the issue.
Phone porting and success voicemail porting sometimes takes days.
Have a nice day It's been a pleasure to assist you today
If u love my answer don't forget to mark as the best answer
June 2021
Hello ZyraBot,
Sorry to hear you're having issues setting up your voicemail on your pre-paid account. Since you've migrated from a post-paid to pre-paid account, you might need to contact customer service to have them reset your voicemail.
What pre-paid plan do you have? You should note that some of the pre-paid plans only have voicemail on a pay-per-use basis. You should also note that airtime (plus long-distance or roaming charges, if applicable) would be incurred for listening to your messages (see here).
Hope this helps 😀