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To know when the payment method was changed

I'm a participant level 2
I'm a participant level 2

The collection of my pre-authorized payment method should have been yesterday.
I would like to know when I changed the payment method last month, because I do not know if it is a complete cycle and I have to make this month a manual payment and the next month it will be automatic. Is there any way to know it?
On the other hand, for example, in my app appears that the payment has to be made for December 4, so is it charged the same day?

Thank you very much.


Former Moderator
Former Moderator

Hello @Carloju


Concerning your question, you ought to see if the payment needs to be made manually or if it's going to be automatic on your invoice. For example, it will say on the first page of your detailled invoice when the payment will be taken from your account or by when it is due. 


If on the app, it still shows that your balance is due after your due date, that means you will have to make a manual payment for this month.


Hope this clarifies a bit. Please let us know how it ended up being!